Faculty of Science and Letters
Mathematics And Computer Science
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Mathematics And Computer Science Main Page

Mathematics And Computer Science

Program Objectives Fellowships and Discount in Tuition Fee International Cooperations
Establishment Tuition Fee Occupational Profiles Of Graduates
Qualification Awarded Double Major–Minor Programs Access to Further Studies
Language of Instruction Internship Departmental Facilities
Mode of Education Grading Scheme Program Activities
Admission and Registration Requirements Graduation Requirements Contact Information

Program Objectives

PO-1 having basic knowledge in Mathematics and Computer Science, 
PO -2 able to use actual programming languages effectively,
PO -3 able to use skills in Mathematics and Computer Science in interdisciplinary problems,
PO -4 having ethical values assimilated,
PO -5 having an understanding of the mathematical background of computer,
PO -6 attach importance to research and development,
PO -7 acknowledging the need of lifelong learning, and having common interest with their worldwide shareholders.


Starting its activities with Law 4281 on July 9, 1997, İstanbul Kültür University welcomed its first students in the academic year 1997-1998 having established Faculty of Science and Letters and Department of Mathematics and Computer Science under Prof. Dr. Çetin Bolcal’s administration. The Department, which started in the Main Building of Şirinevler Campus in 1997, moved to the building of the Faculty of Science and Letters in 1999 due to the increase in the number of students, and has been continuing its activities in Ataköy Campus since 2005. Along with the undergraduate programme   in Mathematics and Computer Science, the Department has also been conducting the courses of the other faculties in basic sciences. Under the umbrella of the Institute of Sciences, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science offers  Master of Science programme since 2000 and PhD programme since 2003.

*In accordance with the decisions of the Chairmanship of the Higher Education Institute the Department of Education for the present department/program names, taken in the Meeting of Higher Education Institute dated 11.03.2020, our present program named the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science has changed into the Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences.

Qualification Awarded

The student must successfully complete all courses (equivalent of a total minimum 245 ECTS) that take place in the four-year education plan. In order to complete all the courses in the program successfully, the student must have at least 2.00 on a 4.00 weighted grade point average.

Language of Instruction

The language of instruction is Turkish at the Derpartment of Mathematics and Computer Science where the preparatory year is optional.

Mode of Education


Admission and Registration Requirements

Mathematics and Computer Science Program admits a pre-set number of students every year based on the results of the Central Placement Examination administered by OSYM. In this Central Placement process, the candidates are placed in the Mathematics and Computer Science Department by OSYM on the basis of their LYS (Undergraduate Placement Examination) scores, their own preferences about higher education programs and the requirements and quota of these programs.

Program Adı

2019 Quota

2018 Success Sequence

2018 Base Score

Maths and Computer Science 10 426.624 233.56015

Maths and Computer Science(50% Scholarship)




Matematik-Bilgisayar (%75 Scholarship)




Maths and Computer Science (100% Scholarship)




In addition, succesful students who are graduates of Vocational Schools are also accepted in the Mathematics and Computer Science Program as a result of Vertical Transition Exam (DGS) carried out by OSYM. The graduation areas of two year undergraduate students who can be accepted in the program are indicated below:


Score Type

2019 Quota

2019 Base Score

100% Scholarship




75% Scholarship SAY 4 241,684400

Information Security Technology  

Information Technologies


Computer Hardware

Computer Operator

Computer Operator and Technician

Computer Programming

Computer Programming (Internet)

Computer Technology

Information and Communication Technology

Information Technology

Computer Technologies and Programming

Computer Technologies and Information Systems

Information Systems and Technologies

Computer Technology and Programming

Mobile Technologies

Internet and Network Technologies

Web Design and Coding


In addition, foreign students are also admitted to the undergraduate programs of Istanbul Kültür University as indicated in the guidelines of the application and admission for foreign students. Registrations of the students that are placed in the Mathematics and Computer Science Department are carried out by Istanbul Kültür University Student Affairs Office according to the calendar set by OSYM.

Fellowships and Discount in Tuition Fee

for detail..

Tuition Fee

for detail.

Double Major–Minor Programs

Succesful students at Department of Mathematics and Computer Science can also be educated in any program in the University:



Faculty of Science 
and Letters

English Language And Literature

Turkish Language and Literature


Molecular Biology And Genetics


Faculty of Engineering

Computer Engineering(English)

Civil Engineering (Turkish)

Electronical&Electronics Engineering

Industrial Engineering


Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences

Business Administration (Turkish/English)

Department of Entrepreneurship


International Relations(English)

International Trade(Turkish/English)



Faculty of Law


Faculty of Architecture

Interior Architecture and Environmental Design(Turkish/English)




Faculty of Arts and Design

Cartoon and Animation

Cinema and Television

Communication Arts

Communication Design

Art Direction


New Media and Communications

Faculty of Education

Basic Education

Educational Sciences

Foreign Language Education

as a result of the evaluation of the applications made at certain periods of their education. Students, who succesfully complete the Double Major program and receive the right to the undergraduate degree of both departments, are given two separate Undergraduate diplomas.

Students of Mathematics and Computer Science Department have opportunity to attend minor programs of all departments in the Istanbul Kultur University. The students who successfully accomplished the minor programs could receive Minor Program Certificate of these programs.


Internship is compulsory in Mathematics and Computer Science Department.

Graduation Requirements

The student must successfully complete all courses (equivalent of a total 245 ECTS) that take place in the four-year education plan. In order to complete all the courses in the program successfully, the student must have at least 2.00 on a 4.00 weighted grade point average.

International Cooperations

ERASMUS is a European Union based program established to promote collaboration among the higher education institutions of European countries. It provides grants for joint projects and short term student and academic staff exchange programmes.  Students have the opportunity to study at a European Union institution and receive financial support during the academic exchange period (one or two terms/ 3 to 12 months). Students of Architecture department may qualify to be Erasmus students in one of the following partner universities:

• Stuttgart University, Germany,
• Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria,
• University of Amsterdam, Netherlands,
• Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Larissa, Yunanistan.

Occupational Profiles Of Graduates

The graduates of the Mathematics and Computer Science Department are employed in variety of sectors such as education, software, banking and insurance. Some of the fields that our graduates work are listed as:

• Data processing and Planning
• Programming
• System Analysis
• Technical Support
• Web Design
• Banking and Insurance
• The Stock Market
• Finance
• Statistics
• Financial Management
• Budget Planning
• Management Consultant
• Academic Studies 

Access to Further Studies

Upon the successful completion of the undergraduate program, candidates having acceptable scores in ALES exam and proficiency in English can go on to graduate programs.

Istanbul Kultur University, Institute of Sciences, has master’s degree program in Mathematics and Computer Science, and Ph.D. program in Mathematics.

Departmental Facilities

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science has three professors, three associate professors, nsix assistant professors, six research assistants and 147 undergraduate students.

Program Activities

The list of publications in the 2018-2019 academic year is as follows:

Certain subclasses of bi-univalent functions generated by Chebyshev polynomials and q-derivative operator ,Om P. Ahuja, S. Sivasubramanian, A.Çetinkaya 
Joint differential invariants of binary and ternary forms,Gülden Gün Polat, Peter J. OLVER, DOI 10.4171/PM/2032
Akkoyunlu, C., “Compact Finite Differences Method for Fitzhugh-Nagumo Equation’’, Universal Journal of Mathematics and Applications, 2 (4) 180-187, 2019.
Polatoğlu, Y., Çetinkaya, A., Mert, O., ‘’Some properties of the analytic functions with bounded Radius rotation’’, ‘’Creative Mathematics and Informatics’’, No:1, 85-90, (2019).
Gülden Gün POLAT, Analysis of first integrals for some nonlinear differential equations via different approaches, THE EUROPEAN, PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS
 Altınel a b, Ganiz m c, Şipal B, Erkaya E, Yücedağ O, Doğan M, Word sense disambiguation using sementaic kernels with class-based term values, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, ss.3180-3194,2019
Kocaman G,Şipal B, Gerek A, Altınel A B, Ganiz M C, Diffused Label Propagation based Transductive Classification Algorithm for Word Sense Disambugation, IEEE Xplore digital library, Temmuz 2019, doi:10.1109/INISTA.2019.8778218 
Polatoğlu, Y., Özkan, H.E. and Akkoyunlu C., “ Harmonic Mapping Related to the - Spirallike Function With Bounded Radius Rotation”, Mathematical Advances in Pure and Applied Sciences,1 (2), 65-67, 2018. 
Çetinkaya, A., Şen, A.Y., Polatoğlu, Y., (2018). ‘’Convolution Properties For Analytic Functions Defined By q-Difference Operator’’, Honam Mathematical J., 4: 681-689. 
Çetinkaya, A., Kahramaner, Y., Polatoğlu, Y.; ‘’Fekete-Szegö inequalities for q-starlike and q-convex functions’’ Acta Univ. Apulensis Math. Inform., No. 53, 55-64, (2018). 
Karatas, G. & Akbulut, A. “Survey on Access Control Mechanisms in Cloud Computing”, Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility, vol.7 issue 3, 1-36, (2018) (DOI: https://doi.org/10.13052/jcsm2245-1439.731) 
Ayten Koç, Murad Özaydın, Leavitt Path Algebras with finite gelfrand-kirillov dimensions, 2018
Gönüllü, U. “Weyl- and Horn-type inequalities for cyclically compact operators,” Turkish J. Math. 42, no. 3, 881-886 (2018) (DOI: 10.3906/mat-1705-91).
Polatoğlu, Y., Uçar, F., Yılmaz, B.; ‘’ q-Starlike Funcitons of Order Alpha’’, TWMS j. App. & Eng. Math, Jaem Vol 8, No1a, (2018). 
Kahramaner, Y., Polatoğlu, Y., Şen, A.Y.; ‘’A certain class of harmonic mappings related to functions of bounded rad,us rotation’’, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 169-177, Springer, (2018)
Çetinkaya, A., Polatoğlu, Y.;‘’ q-harmonic mappings for which analytic part is q-convex functions of complex order ‘’, Hacet. J. Math. Stat. 47, no. 4, 813-820 (2018). 
Polatoğlu, Y.; Kahramaner, Y.; Yemişci, A.; “Some Results of the Class of Functions with Bounded Radius Rotation”, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, Vol.26, No.6, 


Contact Information

Istanbul Kültür University, Ataköy Campus, E5 Karayolu Londra Asfalti Üzeri, 34156, Bakirköy, ISTANBUL, TURKEY 
Tel : +90 212 498 43 50
Faks : +90 212 465 83 10
E-posta : matbil@iku.edu.tr
Web : www.iku.edu.tr/mc