Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences
International Relations
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Course CodeSemester Course Name LE/RC/LA Course Type Language of Instruction ECTS
Course Goals
 This course scrutinizes the history of major wars in the modern age. War has been, and continues to be an important part of human history. It generates and destroys states, determines borders and directs international relations. It promotes technological and scientific innovations yet at the same time destroys human lives and moral foundations of societies. In this respect, the very first aimUnderstand the role of war in the international relations of this course is to analyze several wars in modern history in terms of their impact on states and international relations, as well as on societies. For instance, the influence of Napoleonic Wars with regard to European politics, the power of the First World War in destroying the empires of Europe and the Middle East, the cruelty that the Second World War imposed upon millions of people are important topics that each international relations student should know. However, one should emphasize that while changing the world structure, the concept of the warfare has been changed by history’s actors. The changing notion of warfare, from conventional to unconventional methods, from air power to nuclear option is also the subject of this course to be highlighted throughout the term. 
Special Requisite(s)
Course Assistant(s)
Office Hour(s)
Teaching Methods and Techniques
Principle Sources
Other Sources
Course Schedules
Week Contents Learning Methods
1. Week Introduction: The Concept of War in Late 18th Century Oral Presentation
2. Week Revolution and War: American – French Revolutionary Wars Oral Presentation
3. Week Industrialization and Nationalism: National Unification Wars Oral Presentation
4. Week The Concept of Total War and the Empires: First World War Oral Presentation
5. Week The Efforts of Remilitarization and Demilitarization: Interwar Period Oral Presentation
6. Week War, Technology, Holocaust and Society: Second World War Oral Presentation
7. Week Decolonization and War: Asia and Africa after 1945 Oral Presentation
8. Week Midterm Midterm
9. Week Midterm Midterm
10. Week Nuclear Option: Cold War Oral Presentation
11. Week Wars in the Middle East, 1945-1990: Arab-Israeli Wars and Coups Oral Presentation
12. Week War in the Post-Cold World: Gulf and the Yugoslavia Oral Presentation
13. Week War in the 2000s: War on Terror and Civil Wars Oral Presentation
14. Week Conclusion: Whither the Wars? Oral Presentation
15. Week Final Exam Final Exam
16. Week Final Exam Final Exam
17. Week Final Exam Final Exam
Evaluation tools Quantity Weight(%)
Midterm(s) 1 30
Quizzes 1 10
Homework / Term Projects / Presentations 1 20
Final Exam 1 40

Program Outcomes
PO-1To identify and use theoretical and practical knowledge in International Relations.
PO-2To express ideas and assessments about contemporary debates in International Relations.
PO-3To acknowledge ethical and scientific responsibilities of data collection, evaluation and publication.
PO-4To monitor and interpret published studies in International Relations.
PO-5To use a second language at an intermediate level.
PO-6To analyze, compare and relate different local, regional and global developments in International Relations.
PO-7To analyze, compare and relate International Relations with theories and practices of different associate departments and their sub-fields and to offer suggestions by combining these fields.
PO-8To present substantial knowledge for various public, private and academic career positions.
PO-9To analyze the emergence and functions of prominent regional and local actors and to make future projections about their actions.
PO-10To theoretically and practically examine different events and facts in International Relations and Foreign Policy and to interpret their past, present, and future through a scientific perspective.
Learning Outcomes
LO-11. To identify the impact of wars on the foundation and demise of the states, as well as on the formation of the borders
LO-22. To recognize the role of war in the international relations
LO-33. To analyze the development in technology and science in relation to wars.
LO-44. To evaluate the impact of wars on the lives of individuals, groups and societies
LO-55. To compare the evolution of the concept of "war" through the time, and various war methods
Course Assessment Matrix:
Program Outcomes - Learning Outcomes Matrix
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