Vocational School of Bussiness Administration
Civil Aviation Cabin Services
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Course CodeSemester Course Name LE/RC/LA Course Type Language of Instruction ECTS
Course Goals
 This course is designed to expose students to the fundamentals of academic and professional communication in order to develop professionals who can effectively apply communication theories and best practices to meet their academic and professional communication needs.

Prerequisite(s) no
Corequisite(s) no
Special Requisite(s) having basic knowledge of English
Instructor(s) Okt.Ayşegül GEZEK
Course Assistant(s)
Office Hour(s) Instructor name, day, hours, XXX Campus, office number.
Teaching Methods and Techniques -Lecture, Discussion, Demonstration, Roleplay, Dialogue, Visual and Audio Expression,Student centered,Eclectic, Interactive
Principle Sources Let' Talk 1 - Cambridge
Other Sources -
Course Schedules
Week Contents Learning Methods
1. Week Introduction to the course Visual and audio expression,student centered,eclectic, interactive
2. Week Unit 2 – All Kinds of People Visual and audio expression,student centered,eclectic, interactive
3. Week Unit 3 – Free Time & Unit 4 - Friends Visual and audio expression,student centered,eclectic, interactive
4. Week Unit 6 – Travel and Tourism & Unit 7-Food and Drink Visual and audio expression,student centered,eclectic, interactive
5. Week Unit 9- Healthy life style Visual and audio expression,student centered,eclectic, interactive
6. Week Unit 11- In the City Visual and audio expression,student centered,eclectic, interactive
7. Week Unit 13- Famous People Visual and audio expression,student centered,eclectic, interactive
8. Week PRESENTATIONS Visual and audio expression,student centered,eclectic, interactive
9. Week PRESENTATIONS Visual and audio expression,student centered,eclectic, interactive
10. Week Unit 14- My dream home Visual and audio expression,student centered,eclectic, interactive
11. Week Unit 15- Then and Now Visual and audio expression,student centered,eclectic, interactive
12. Week Unit 16- The Future Visual and audio expression,student centered,eclectic, interactive
13. Week PRESENTATIONS Visual and audio expression,student centered,eclectic, interactive
14. Week PRESENTATIONS Visual and audio expression,student centered,eclectic, interactive
15. Week Final Exam Final Exam
16. Week Final Exam Final Exam
17. Week Final Exam Final Exam
Evaluation tools Quantity Weight(%)

Program Outcomes
PO-1It is to have knowledge in economics and business administration
PO-2It is to have knowledge in the field of safety management systems
PO-3Having knowledge of diction and announce areas
PO-4Having knowledge of catering and service area
PO-5To have knowledge of basic first aid area
PO-6Having knowledge in the field of Crew Resource Management
PO-7Flights to have information on the safety area Mock Up
PO-8Emergency Operations and have knowledge about the safety procedures
PO-9Having information about civil aviation
PO-10Having knowledge about the field of Civil Aviation Cabin Services
Learning Outcomes
LO-11. being able to communicate general English.
LO-22. being able to communicate with passengers in English
LO-33. being able to explain problems and find solutions in English
LO-44. helping passengers on board using English language
LO-55. making all communications with cockpit crew and other staff in English in emergency situations
Course Assessment Matrix:
Program Outcomes - Learning Outcomes Matrix
 PO 1PO 2PO 3PO 4PO 5PO 6PO 7PO 8PO 9PO 10
LO 1
LO 2
LO 3
LO 4
LO 5