Vocational School of Technical Sciences
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Course CodeSemester Course Name LE/RC/LA Course Type Language of Instruction ECTS
Course Goals
The aim of the course is to understand the methods of scientific discoveries, learn about the universe, stars, galaxies and other celestial objects, understand the structure of the universe and our place in the universe.  
Prerequisite(s) N/A
Corequisite(s) N/A
Special Requisite(s) none
Instructor(s) Professor Dursun Koçer
Course Assistant(s)
Schedule Tuesdays 13:00-15:00, ZD3
Office Hour(s) Tuesday, 15:00-16:00, 3A-3
Teaching Methods and Techniques -Multimedia demonstration, simulations
Principle Sources

·   AstroBilgi, Editör Serdar Evren, İKÜ Yayınları, 2020

·   Evreni Anlama Serüveni, Editör Tolga Güver, Nobel Yayınları, 2017

Other Sources -Astronomy Today”,  8th Edition,  E. Chaisson, S. McMillan, 2014, Pearson
Course Schedules
Week Contents Learning Methods
1. Week Light Pollution and Its Consequences Lecture demonstration and simulation
2. Week A cosmic voyage into the Universe-1 Lecture demonstration and simulation
3. Week A cosmic voyage into the Universe-2 Lecture demonstration and simulation
4. Week The Birth of Modern Science Lecture demonstration and simulation
5. Week Solar System and Beyond -1 Lecture demonstration and simulation
6. Week Solar System and Beyond -2 Lecture demonstration and simulation
7. Week Our Star: The Sun Lecture demonstration and simulation
8. Week Midterm Exam
9. Week Introduction to Stars Lecture demonstration and simulation
10. Week The Evolution of Stars -1: Dwarfs Lecture demonstration and simulation
11. Week The Evolution of Stars-2: Giants Lecture demonstration and simulation
12. Week Our Galaxy: The Milky Way Lecture demonstration and simulation
13. Week Space Exploration -1 Lecture demonstration and simulation
14. Week Space Exploration -2 Lecture demonstration and simulation
15. Week Interdisciplinary Astronomy Lecture demonstration and simulation
16. Week Final
17. Week
Evaluation tools Quantity Weight(%)
Midterm(s) 1 40
Final Exam 1 60

Program Outcomes
PO-1Have knowledge about the structure, operation and maintenance of geothermal power plants.
PO-2Gains knowledge of hybrid systems
PO-3Gain knowledge about the operation, maintenance and repair of Nuclear Power Plants.
PO-4Gains knowledge of energy storage systems
PO-5With the awareness of the necessity of lifelong learning, it follows the technological and scientific developments in its field and constantly renews itself.
PO-6Gains knowledge of how to produce electricity with solar energy.
PO-7Gains knowledge of the relationship between energy and environmental economy.
PO-8Have the necessary and sufficient basic mathematical knowledge. Makes mathematical calculation, analysis and evaluation related to his profession.
PO-9Become aware of project management and workplace applications related to Energy Systems.
PO-10Knows the basic electrical concepts. Circuit solutions related to electrical circuits are realized.
PO-11By learning the concepts related to thermodynamics, makes the necessary analysis and calculations.
PO-12Gains knowledge of biomass and energy production.
PO-13Understands the importance of renewable energy sources
PO-14Have knowledge about the production, maintenance and repair of solar panels and explain the method of generating electrical energy from solar energy.
PO-15Knows the basic laws and units of physics. It can perform transformations between energies using these rules.
PO-16Gains knowledge of the structure, maintenance and repair of wind turbines. Explain the method of electrical energy produced by wind turbines.
PO-17Knows the method of generating energy from hydrogen energy and knows the necessary steps for energy production.
PO-18Gains knowledge of semiconductor circuit elements used in the field of power electronics.
PO-19Having the necessary information regarding energy management strategies in Turkey and the world.
Learning Outcomes
LO-1Understanding our place in the universe
LO-2comparing the structure of our universe from micro to macro
LO-3Exemplifying key discoveries are made with a scientific policy
LO-4Recognizing celestial objects and the sky
Course Assessment Matrix:
Program Outcomes - Learning Outcomes Matrix