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Interior Architecture & Environmental Design
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Interior Architecture & Environmental Design Main Page / Program Curriculum / Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution II

Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution II

Course CodeSemester Course Name LE/RC/LA Course Type Language of Instruction ECTS
ATA2001 2 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution II 2/0/0 CC Turkish 2
Course Goals
To cause Turkish Youth be gained national and moral worthness to their own culture and, to make the students of İKÜ enlighted about the threats against the Turkish homeland and the geography of Turkey; by taking learning lessons from Turkish Close History.
Special Requisite(s)
Instructor(s) Lecturer Emine Eren ÇAĞLAR, Assist. Prof. Dr. İnci ÇAĞLAYAN
Course Assistant(s)
Schedule The course is provided within e-learning environment
Office Hour(s) One can contact with the instructor of the course for requesting appointments
Teaching Methods and Techniques Explanation,Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
Principle Sources Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Speech.

Andrew Mango, Atatürk: The Biography Of The Founder Of Modern Turkey.

Bernard Lewis, Emergence Of Modern Turkey.

Erik J. Zürcher, Turkey, A Modern Hİstory.

Lord Kinross, Atatürk: The Rebirth Of A Nation.

Other Sources
Course Schedules
Week Contents Learning Methods
1. Week Peace Treaty of Lausanne Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
2. Week Foundation of Republican Administration in Turkey, Concept of Republic and Proclamation of the Republic Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
3. Week Abolition Of The Caliphate. The Law On Unification Of Education And The Laws Of March 3, 1924 Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
4. Week Process Of Transition To A Multi-Party System Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
5. Week Reforms On The Social Sphere Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
6. Week Reforms On Spheres Of Education, Culture And Art Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
7. Week Atatürk And National Education Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
8. Week Midterm Exam
9. Week Reforms On The Economic Sphere National war, Mustafa Kemal ad Marxsizm Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
10. Week Reforms On The Legal Sphere Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
11. Week Foreign Policies Of Republic Of Turkey Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
12. Week Principles Of Atatürk (Republicanism, Nationalism, Revolutionism) Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
13. Week Principles Of Atatürk (Populism, Laicism, Etatism) Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
14. Week Atatürk And His Intellectual Life Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
15. Week Final Exam
16. Week Final Exam
17. Week Final Exam
Evaluation tools Quantity Weight(%)
Midterm(s) 1 20
Final Exam 1 80

Program Outcomes
PO-1PÇ1. Within the architectural discipline,has local,regional, national and international knowledge regarding different space planning issues related to interior architectural design and planning.
PO-2PÇ2. Owns to set up a substructure for design proposals for people and community oriented , cultural sensitible and environmental genesis in the related field.
PO-3PÇ3. Improves skill in developing design concept and planning. Acquaint with defining and investigating special problems on different space planning and design issues.
PO-4PÇ4. Develops creative, novel, aesthetical and unique problem solving alternatives related to different space planning issues in the light of abstract and concrete concepts.
PO-5PÇ5. Makes valuation on knowledge and skill in the relevant field by critical thinking and by dialectic decision method.
PO-6PÇ6. Has self confidence and competence while carrying on a work in the relevant field, plans research projects within this period, takes part in application projects, take mutual and individual responsibilities in interdisciplinary projects.
PO-7PÇ7. Expresses oneself written, verbal and visual to be in collaboration with the related corporation in the relavant field.
PO-8PÇ8. Has competence in using at least one computer aided drawing program as required by the relavant field.
PO-9PÇ9. Has multidimensional line of sight for economical, environmental and communal sustainability norms and standards in the relevant field.
PO-10P10. Within human-environment relationship has respect to social and cultural rights, has conscious competence in making decision on the protection of cultural heritage and natural property
PO-11PÇ11.Recognizes national and international values in art and design.
PO-12PÇ12. Recognizes ethics and aesthetics in art and design.
PO-13PÇ13. Knowing the duties and authorities of the profession, has competence in the protection of natural and cultural values, pays attention to occupational health and safety, offers solution to increase space quality.
PO-14PÇ14. Has knowledge of norms, standards, laws and regulations of the profession.
Learning Outcomes
LO-11. To make the students be gained the ability of deciding and understanding rightly for positive and negative evidences about the Turkish Nation and Turkish Country whenever they face in their lives.
LO-22. To understand hostile and friendly acts against Turkish Nation and Turkish homeland
LO-33. To give the students the conscious of protetecting their national worths.
LO-44. To make the students well informed and learned their national history in order to comprehend future events of the world related with their nation and country.
LO-55. To enlight the Turkish youth and to provide them informations of leadership in order to carry on Atatürk's thoughts and principles.
Course Assessment Matrix:
Program Outcomes - Learning Outcomes Matrix