Faculty of Science and Letters
Turkish Language and Literature
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Turkish Language and Literature Main Page / Program Curriculum / Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I

Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I

Course CodeSemester Course Name LE/RC/LA Course Type Language of Instruction ECTS
ATA1001 1 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I 2/0/0 CC Turkish 2
Course Goals
To cause Turkish Youth be gained national and moral worthness to their own culture and, to make the students of İKÜ enlighted about the threats against the Turkish homeland and the geography of Turkey; by taking learning lessons from Turkish Close History.
Special Requisite(s)
Instructor(s) Assist. Prof. Dr. İnci ÇAĞLAYAN, Lecturer Emine Eren ÇAĞLAR
Course Assistant(s)
Schedule The course is provided within e-learning environment
Office Hour(s) One can contact with the instructor of the course for requesting appointments
Teaching Methods and Techniques Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
Principle Sources Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Speech.

Andrew Mango, Atatürk: The Biography Of The Founder Of Modern Turkey.

Bernard Lewis, Emergence Of Modern Turkey.

Erik J. Zürcher, Turkey, A Modern Hİstory.

Lord Kinross, Atatürk: The Rebirth Of A Nation.

Other Sources
Course Schedules
Week Contents Learning Methods
1. Week The objective of Turkish Revolution, Basic concepts, Reasons which has prepared Turkish Revolution Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
2. Week Causes of the Ottoman Empire’s downfall and reforms Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
3. Week The concept of geopolitics the projects regarding the separation of the Ottoman Empire in small pieces, Berberian Tripoli and Balkan wars, Penetration of The Ottoman Empire to The First World War Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
4. Week First World War fronts, Dardanelles front, Mondros Cease of Fire Treaty Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
5. Week Practise of Mondros Treaty, Occupation of our lands and reactions, Useful and harmful unions Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
6. Week The issue of Mustafa Kemal to Samsun, The Circular of Havza, The Circular of Amasya Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
7. Week The Congress of Erzurum, local and regional congresses, The Congress of Sivas Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
8. Week Midterm Exam Week
9. Week The Talks of Amasya, The Arrival of Representatives Delegation to Ankara, The Last OttomanDeputies Assembly and the national pact of 1920, The occupation of İstanbul Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
10. Week The opening of Turkish Grand National Assembly, Internal Revolts oriented to the Turkish grand National Assembly, Conferance of San Remo and peace treaty of Sevres Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
11. Week Military success of The Turkish Grand National Assembly, South front, East front Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
12. Week West front wars, (First and Second Inonu Wars) The Constitution, (Law of the Main Organisation) Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
13. Week Conference of London, Treaty of Moskow Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
14. Week Sakarya Pitched Battle, Grand Attack and Mudanya Cease of Fire Treaty Explanation, Gaining practical lessons by traveling in Turkey over historical places. To show historical movies and visual photographs related with close history.
15. Week Final Exam Week
16. Week Final Exam Week
17. Week Final Exam Week
Evaluation tools Quantity Weight(%)
Midterm(s) 1 20
Final Exam 1 80

Program Outcomes
PO-11. The student adopts the skill to practice the Turkish language properly and clearly by analyzing it in terms of phonetics , structure and form, syntax and semantics .
PO-22. The student can appreciate all the texts related to Turkish Language and Literature from the onrush up to the present from a linguistic and literary aspect.He also finds the opportunity to compare them with the Western literature texts.
PO-33.The student can make an anthology or research on Folklore.
PO-44. The student attains information about Atatürk principles and revolutions.
PO-55. The student knows the leading literary output, reads the sample texts representing the historical development of Turkish Language and Literature and conveys it to scientific transcription alphabet.
PO-66. The student has the lesson materials containing the contemporary information, research methods, information and theories used for Turkish Language Literature Programme.
PO-77. The student uses practices the theories and information he learnt at the Turkish Language and Literature Programme on research and public service area.
PO-88. The student scopes out the problems encountered and finds solutions through individual studies and assumes his /her responsibilities as a team member.
PO-99. The student supports the solutions through concrete input and shares this input with the experts concerned by analyzing the problems related to the Turkish Language and Literature Programme.
PO-1010. The student actively takes part and serves in some cultural, social and artistic events related to the Turkish Language and Literature field.
PO-1111. The student collects, solves and comments on the theoretical and practical data by means of at least one foreign language on which he has a good command.
PO-1212. The student asseses the contemporary and classical literature information and theories in accordance with certain theories and trends and also criticizes them in terms of literature and linguistics.
PO-1313.The student uses the computer, Informatics and Information Technologies efficiently for his field.
PO-1414. The student adopts the conciousness about lifelong learning.
PO-1515. The student obtains basic information and skills about how to make academical research and study on Turkish Language and Literature.
PO-1616. The student respects the Professional responsibilities and ethics related to the field ‘ Turkish Language and Literature’.
Learning Outcomes
LO-1To make the students be gained the ability of deciding and understanding rightly for positive and negative evidences about the Turkish Nation and Turkish Country whenever they face in their lives.
LO-22. To understand hostile and friendly acts against Turkish Nation and Turkish homeland.
LO-33. To give the students the conscious of protetecting their national worths.
LO-44. To make the students well informed and learned their national history in order to comprehend future events of the world related with their nation and country.
LO-55. To enlight the Turkish youth and to provide them informations of leadership in order to carry on Atatürk's thoughts and principles.
Course Assessment Matrix:
Program Outcomes - Learning Outcomes Matrix