Faculty of Science and Letters
Turkish Language and Literature
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Foreign Languages I

Course CodeSemester Course Name LE/RC/LA Course Type Language of Instruction ECTS
YDI1001 1 Foreign Languages I 3/0/0 CC English 3
Course Goals The aim of this course is to equip our students with an elementary level of English which will enable them to understanad and talk about everyday topics.
Prerequisite(s) None
Corequisite(s) None
Special Requisite(s) None
Instructor(s) Lecturer Seval SARIYILDIZ AKSU, LecturerAyşegül Gezek, Lecturer Özay Şeker, Lecturer Ebru Temiz, Lecturer Dr. Sinan Bataklar, Lecturer Mehmet Altay
Course Assistant(s) None
Schedule Online education.
Office Hour(s) Update office hours are announced on online education portal CATS at the beginning of every term.
Teaching Methods and Techniques Online education.
Principle Sources Powerpoint slides about the target topic of the week.
Other Sources Practice worksheets.
Course Schedules
Week Contents Learning Methods
1. Week Formal and informal greetings and responses, farewells and responses, people's names and titles. Online education.
2. Week Giving your name and address; how to start a conversation, present simple of be +,-,? Introductions, "be" statements and questions, introducing people, talking about jobs. Online education.
3. Week Countries and nationalities, giving commands, responding to commands, subject and object pronouns. Online education.
4. Week Singular and plural nouns, demonstrative pronouns, asking questions about new things, office items. Online education.
5. Week Talking about time, describing people and things, using positive and negative adjectives. Online education.
6. Week Ordinal numbers, describing people and things, making reservations, days of the week, months of the year. Online education.
7. Week Talking about clothes and possessions using possessive adjectives and possessive "'s", clothing. Online education.
8. Week Talking about clothes and possessions using possessive adjectives, asking questions with "which", "there is / there are"- MIDTERM EXAM Quiz
9. Week Talking about things you like and your personal life using the simple present tense , ordering food in a restaurant, vocabulary related to restaurant. Online education.
10. Week Talking about schedules and free time activities using frequency adverbs and time expressions "in,on,at". Online education.
11. Week Countable and uncountable nouns, talking about prices and amounts using numbers, "some" and "any", vocabulary on leisure activities. -QUIZ Online education.
12. Week Talking about activities using " the present continuous tense" and talking about facts using " the simple present tense". Online education.
13. Week Talking about family members, asking questions about them, abilities: " can/can't" Online education.
14. Week Asking questions about people in family, making small talk, uncountable nouns, " how" questions. Online education.
15. Week Final Exam Final Exam
16. Week Final Exam Final Exam
17. Week Final Exam Final Exam
Evaluation tools Quantity Weight(%)
Quizzes 1 20
Final Exam 1 80

Program Outcomes
PO-11. The student adopts the skill to practice the Turkish language properly and clearly by analyzing it in terms of phonetics , structure and form, syntax and semantics .
PO-22. The student can appreciate all the texts related to Turkish Language and Literature from the onrush up to the present from a linguistic and literary aspect.He also finds the opportunity to compare them with the Western literature texts.
PO-33.The student can make an anthology or research on Folklore.
PO-44. The student attains information about Atatürk principles and revolutions.
PO-55. The student knows the leading literary output, reads the sample texts representing the historical development of Turkish Language and Literature and conveys it to scientific transcription alphabet.
PO-66. The student has the lesson materials containing the contemporary information, research methods, information and theories used for Turkish Language Literature Programme.
PO-77. The student uses practices the theories and information he learnt at the Turkish Language and Literature Programme on research and public service area.
PO-88. The student scopes out the problems encountered and finds solutions through individual studies and assumes his /her responsibilities as a team member.
PO-99. The student supports the solutions through concrete input and shares this input with the experts concerned by analyzing the problems related to the Turkish Language and Literature Programme.
PO-1010. The student actively takes part and serves in some cultural, social and artistic events related to the Turkish Language and Literature field.
PO-1111. The student collects, solves and comments on the theoretical and practical data by means of at least one foreign language on which he has a good command.
PO-1212. The student asseses the contemporary and classical literature information and theories in accordance with certain theories and trends and also criticizes them in terms of literature and linguistics.
PO-1313.The student uses the computer, Informatics and Information Technologies efficiently for his field.
PO-1414. The student adopts the conciousness about lifelong learning.
PO-1515. The student obtains basic information and skills about how to make academical research and study on Turkish Language and Literature.
PO-1616. The student respects the Professional responsibilities and ethics related to the field ‘ Turkish Language and Literature’.
Learning Outcomes
LO-1Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases.
LO-2Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives and things he/she has.
LO-3Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
LO-4Can socialize when he/she meets people.
LO-5Can communicate in a shopping center and do his/her shopping.
Course Assessment Matrix:
Program Outcomes - Learning Outcomes Matrix