Institute of Graduate Studies
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Main Page

Program Objectives Fellowships and Discount in Tuition Fee International Cooperations
Establishment Tuition Fee Occupational Profiles Of Graduates
Qualification Awarded Double Major–Minor Programs Access to Further Studies
Language of Instruction Internship Departmental Facilities
Mode of Education Grading Scheme Program Activities
Admission and Registration Requirements Graduation Requirements Contact Information

Program Objectives

 The fundamental aim of Educational Administration and Planning M.A. program is to enable individuals working or having interest in educational field to become effective in educational leadership by equipping them with administration knowledge and abilities. It is expected that the graduate students of the program can use theoretical and practical knowledge in problem-solving process, adopt creative and critical thinking and thus contribute to the development of institutions they work for.


 The M.A. programme in Educational Administration and Planning began in 2014.



Qualification Awarded

 Master of Arts (MA) in Educational Administration and Planning.

Language of Instruction


Mode of Education

 M.A. Program is onducted between 18:00 and 21:00 on weekdays.

Admission and Registration Requirements

 Candidates need to hold B.A. from four –year degree programme.  

 ALES score is not required from those who opt to get an MA degree without thesis.

Fellowships and Discount in Tuition Fee

for detail..

Tuition Fee

for detail.

Double Major–Minor Programs


Graduation Requirements


 To obtain a MA degree in Administration and Planning programme, students should complete the required credits (90ECTS) with a  minimum of 2.70 GPA over 4.0.

In addition to the standard required credits, the non-thesis M.A. students need to prepare “Semester Project”.

International Cooperations

  Details, regarding ERASMUS program, are available at our website.

Occupational Profiles Of Graduates

 Our graduates carry out their professions in educational institutions.

Access to Further Studies

 Students , graduating from our program, can apply to all universities for PhD studies.

Departmental Facilities

Our program is being carried out at IKU Ataköy Campus  by expert academic staff in its field, who gives theoratical and practical lectures and assignments to enrich their experince in field.

Program Activities

Contact Information

Assoc. Dr. Feyza Doyran
