Institute of Graduate Studies
Urban Design
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Urban Design Main Page / Program Curriculum / GLOBAL CITIES AND ARCHITECTURE


Course CodeSemester Course Name LE/RC/LA Course Type Language of Instruction ECTS
Course Goals
It is examined the world cities from 1800s to today in urban planning and architectural context
Prerequisite(s) none
Corequisite(s) none
Special Requisite(s) none
Instructor(s) PROF. DR. EVRİM TÖRE
Course Assistant(s) none
Schedule The course is not active this semester.
Office Hour(s) Instructor name, day, hours, XXX Campus, office number.
Teaching Methods and Techniques lecture and discussion
Principle Sources

Anderson, B. (1983), Imagined Communities / Reflections on the Origins and

Spread of Nationalism, Verso


Auge, M. (1992), Non-lieux, Seuil [Yer Olmayanlar, çev.: Turhan Ilgaz, Kesit, 1997].


Banham, R. (1960), Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, The Architectural Press.

Barthes, R. (1983), Semiotics and the City, Arnhem.


Baudrillard, J. (1988), Selected Writings, ed. Mark Poster, Polity.


Berman, M. (1982), All That Is Solid Melts Into Air, Verso [Katı Olan Her Şey Buharlaşıyor, çev.: Ümit Altuğ ve Bülent Peker, İletişim, 1994].


Debord, G. (1977), Society of the Spectacle, Black & Red/Detroit


Giddens, A. (1990), The Consequences of Modernity, Polity


Harvey, D. (1990), The Condition of Postmodernism, Blackwell


Jencks, C. (1977), The Language of Postmodern Architecture, Academy Editions.


Koolhaas, R. (1994), Delirious New York, Monacelli.


Le Corbusier (1927), The City of To-morrow and Its Planning, Payson & Clarke.


Lefebvre, H. (1991), The Production of Space, Blackwell.


Sennet, R. (1992), The Fall of Public Man, W.W. Norton & Company


Soja, E. (1989), Postmodern Geographies, Verso.


Urry, J. (1995), Consuming Places, Routledge


Other Sources
Course Schedules
Week Contents Learning Methods
1. Week Introduction
2. Week First cities
3. Week City in premodern world
4. Week The birth of modern city
5. Week Spatial and social structure of modern city
6. Week London
7. Week Paris
8. Week Amsterdam
9. Week Barcelona
10. Week Berlin
11. Week New York
12. Week Chicago
13. Week Far East
14. Week Turkey
15. Week
16. Week
17. Week
Evaluation tools Quantity Weight(%)
Homework / Term Projects / Presentations 1 100

Program Outcomes
PO-1To gain knowledge and understand the socio-economical and spatial components and processes which are both the subjects and the outcomes of an urban design project.
PO-2To gain knowledge and critical awareness about the relations in between urban design and the other disciplines like architecture, urban planning, economy and sociology; and the opportunuties and threats that will arise by these relations.
PO-3Ability to realize an urban design project or a research on urban design in a multidisciplinary process, using both the theoretical and practical knowledge infrastructure, developing new methods and techniques.
PO-4Ability to direct socio-economical and spatial components and processes in the urban design process.
PO-5Ability to make research, to analyse and to criticise in the area of academical knowledge and design processes, using the appropriate techniques, producing original results.
PO-6To gain competency on conducting an indivudial research or project on urban design.
PO-7To gain competency on working as a group member and to work out the complicated processes that will occur during the urban design.
PO-8To gain competency to transfer the knowledge gained using a foreign language, both in verbal and visual way, via contemporary computer programmes and techniques.
PO-9To gain competancy to produce an original academical/scientific research, to present and to discuss in a dialectical framework.
PO-10To gain competency on strategical decision making as a component of the urban design project and to produce original solutions considering ethical values.
Learning Outcomes
LO-1To learn historical process of the city
LO-2The birth of modern city and effects to architecture
LO-3To comprehend the structure of modern city
LO-4The realitionship between structure of the city and architecture
LO-5To comprehend critical and dialectical thougt
Course Assessment Matrix:
Program Outcomes - Learning Outcomes Matrix
 PO 1PO 2PO 3PO 4PO 5PO 6PO 7PO 8PO 9PO 10