Associate Degree Programs
Vocational School of Bussiness Administration
Public Relations and Publicity
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Course CodeSemester Course Name LE/RC/LA Course Type Language of Instruction ECTS
Course Goals
In the interactive advertising course, the concepts and terms of internet advertising and internet advertising models and types will be explained. The aim of this course is to provide students with perspectives that the ability to directly reach the target audience and serve the main purpose of advertising, to present reports that will have strategic importance to the advertiser with various measurement methods and to documenting feedback and also can teaching to contribute these proces with much lower budgets while providing more direct solutions compared to other channels. Students who gain the competence to understand and analyze Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) used in internet advertising will be able to form communication strategies in online channels.
Special Requisite(s)
Course Assistant(s)
Office Hour(s)
Teaching Methods and Techniques
Principle Sources
Other Sources
Course Schedules
Week Contents Learning Methods
1. Week Internet advertising and interactive advertising concepts and their importance - General Framework - Introduction Lecture, presentation, research, case studies
2. Week Differences, advantages and disadvantages between internet advertising and traditional advertising. - Digital Marketing Strategies Lecture, presentation, research, case studies
3. Week Digital Advertising Models - Banner (Display) - SEM & SEO - Native Ads - Remarketing - Affilliate - Advergame - Video Ads - E-mailing Lecture, presentation, research, case studies
4. Week Types of Advertising Used in Social Media Lecture, presentation, research, case studies
5. Week Influencer Marketing Lecture, presentation, research, case studies
6. Week Used in Advertising and Marketing Technologies Concepts & Definitions - Online Advertising Terms Lecture, presentation, research, case studies
7. Week Key Performance Indicators Used in Internet Advertising - KPI - Lead generation - Website & traffic metrics - SEO optimization - Paid advertising - Social media tracking Lecture, presentation, research, case studies
8. Week Measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of digital ads - Viewability - Viewability Rate Lecture, presentation, research, case studies
9. Week Data Based Marketing Technology - Data Management Platform - MarTech - AdTech Lecture, presentation, research, case studies
10. Week Programmatic Purchasing and Ecosystem Lecture, presentation, research, case studies
11. Week Guerilla Advertising in Interactive Media - Types of Fraud in Online Media Lecture, presentation, research, case studies
12. Week Presentation of Homework and Projects Presentation and Evaluation of Homework & Projects - Discussion
13. Week Presentation of Homework and Projects Presentation and Evaluation of Homework & Projects - Discussion
14. Week Presentation of Homework and Projects Presentation and Evaluation of Homework & Projects - Discussion
15. Week Final Exam Final Exam
16. Week
17. Week
Evaluation tools Quantity Weight(%)
Homework / Term Projects / Presentations 1 40
Final Exam 1 60

Program Outcomes
PO-1P O 1. To have basic knowledge about Public Relations and Advertising
PO-2P O 2. To have basic knowledge about Human Resources
PO-3P O 3. To have basic knowledge about Marketing
PO-4P O 4. To have basic knowledge about Aesthetic Arts and Fine Arts
PO-5P O 5. To have basic knowledge about information technology
PO-6 P O 6. To have basic knowledge about Law
PO-7P O 7. To have basic knowledge about Project Management
PO-8P O 8. To have knowledge on Atatürk Principles and Revolution History
PO-9P O 9. To have professional English on Communication
PO-10P O 10. To have knowledge about effective Turkish Language
PO-11P O 11.To have knowledge about communication
PO-12P 0 12.To have knowledge about business functions
Learning Outcomes
LO-1Students recognize the concepts of internet advertising and know its terms.
LO-2Understands online advertising models and digital advertising types.
LO-3Measures the efficiency and effectiveness of digital ads.
LO-4Counts and analyzes key performance indicators of internet advertising.
LO-5Analyzes advertisements in digital channels.
Course Assessment Matrix:
Program Outcomes - Learning Outcomes Matrix
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