Program Activities
· · Akkoyunlu, C., (2017). Compact Finite Difference Method for Burgers-Huxley Equation . ICRAPAM 2017, Aydın, Turkey.
· Mersin, K., Alkan, G., & Misirlioglu, T., (2017). A new method for calculating fuel consumption and displacement of a ship in maritime transport. Cogent Engineering, vol.4, no.1.
· Gönüllü, U., (2018). Weyl- and Horn-type inequalities for cyclically compact operators. Turkish Journal of Mathematics , vol.42, no.3, 881-886.
· Uçar, M. F., (2018). Finite Element Method For The Solution Of A Time-Dependent Heat-Like Lane-Emden Equation. Universal Journal of Mathematics , vol.1, no.4, 258-261.
· Osken, S., Yildirim, E. N., Karataş Baydoğmuş, G., & Cuhacı, L., (2019). Intrusion Detection Systems with Deep Learning: A Systematic Mapping Study. International Scientific Meeting on Electrical-Electronics and Biomedical Engineering and Computer Science (EBBT), İstanbul, Turkey.
· Yavuz Duman, E., & Owa, S., (2019). Notes on certain analytic functions. Turkish Journal of Mathematics , vol.43, no.1, 279-283.
· Akkoyunlu, C., (2019). Compact Finite Differences Method for FitzHugh-Nagumo Equation. Universal Journal of Mathematics and Applications , vol.2, no.4, 180-187.
· Akkoyunlu, C., (2019). Partitioned Average Vector Field Method for Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation . EQUADIFF 2019 (pp.1). Leiden, Netherlands.
· Yavuz, E., (2019). Generalizations for certain p-valent functions . First Analysis Mathematica International Conference (pp.44). Budapest, Hungary.
· Akkoyunlu, C., (2019). Average vector field method of the strongly coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation . ICIAM2019 (pp.440). Valencia, Spain.
· Esin, S., Kanuni, M., Koc, A., Radler, K., & Rangaswamy, K. M., (2020). On Prufer-like properties of Leavitt path algebras. Journal of Algebra And Its Applications , no.7.
· Darus, M., Yavuz, E., & Owa, S., (2020). Some Results on Certain Analytic Functions. Analele Universităţii din Oradea - Fascicola Matematică , vol.1, no.2020, 31-35.
· Yavuz, E., Daymaz, T., & Owa, S., (2021). Generalizations for Certain Bazilevic Functions. Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics , no.1, 133-142.
· Ilter, D., Deniz, E., & Kocadagli, O., (2021). Hybridized artificial neural network classifiers with a novel feature selection procedure based genetic algorithms and information complexity in credit scoring. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry , vol.37, no.2, 203-228.
· Uçar, M. F., & ALP, B. E., (2022). Numerical solution of fractional diffusion equation with neural networks . Sixth International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2022), Antalya, Turkey.
· Ince Dagci, F., Misirlioglu, T., Akalli, H., & Kočinac, L. D., (2022). A new note on asymmetric metric spaces . 6th International Conference of Mathematical Sciences, ICMS 2022, Hybrid, Istanbul, Turkey.
· Yavuz, E., Güney, H. Ö., & Owa, S., (2022). Generalizations of Libera integral operator for analytic functions. Annals of West University of Timisoara - Mathematics and Computer Science , vol.58, no.1, 39-55.
· Kocadagli, O., Baygul, A., Gökmen İnan, N., Incir, S., & Aktan, C., (2022). Clinical prognosis evaluation of COVID-19 patients: An interpretable hybrid machine learning approach. Current Research in Translational Medicine , vol.70, no.1.
· Esin, S., (2022). Minimal generators of annihilators of even neat elements in the exterior algebra. Turkish Journal of Mathematics , no.3, 800-809.
· Mutlu Varlıoğlu, N., & Büyükköse, Ş., (2023). Some Bounds for The Energies of The Power Graphs of Cyclic Groups. Afyon Kocatepe Universitesi Fen Ve Muhendislik Bilimleri Dergisi , vol.23, 1412-1417.
· Gönüllü, U., Polat, F., & Weber, M. R. R., (2023). Cesaro vector lattices and their ideals of finite elements. Positivity , vol.27, no.2.
· Gönüllü, U., Polat, F., & Weber, M. R., (2023). Duals of Cesaro sequence vector lattices, Cesaro sums of Banach lattices, and their finite elements. Archiv Der Mathematik , vol.120, no.6, 619-630.
· Akkoyunlu, C., (2023). Structure Preserving Schemes for Coupled Nonlinear Shrodinger Equation . 12th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences (pp.1-10). Belgrade, Serbia.
· Aslanov, A., & Aslanova, G., (2023). Positive solutions of sublinear Emden-Fowler equation. Monatshefte Für Mathematik , vol.202, no.1, 31-40.
· Uçar, M. F., & ALP, B. E., (2023). PINN Method for the Numerical Solution of Benney-Roskes / Zakharov-Rubenchik System . 2nd International Symposium on Current Developments in Fundamental and Applied Mathematics Sciences (pp.173-179). Ankara, Turkey.
· Mutlu Varlıoğlu, N., & Büyükköse, Ş., (2024). A Note on The Laplacian Energy of The Power Graph of A Finite Cyclic Group. Sakarya University Journal of Science.
· Gökmen Inan, N., Kocadağlı, O., Yıldırım, D., Meşe, İ., & Kovan, Ö., (2024). Multi-class classification of thyroid nodules from automatic segmented ultrasound images: Hybrid ResNet based UNet convolutional neural network approach. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine , vol.243.