To learn the parts of the organism (cell-tissue-organ-system), to explain the communication between these parts and to understand the relation of the organism with the environment as a whole, to define the physical and chemical factors that provide the development from the beginning of life and to explain the various features and mechanisms that sustain it.
Special Requisite(s)
Obligatory attendance
Assist. Prof. Dr. Alim Nuraydın
Course Assistant(s)
Thursday, 09:00-12:45, CB-01-01
Office Hour(s)
Thursday, 13:00-13:45, CB-01-01
Teaching Methods and Techniques
Lecture, discussion, presentation
Principle Sources
Guyton, AC, Hall, JE (2017). Tıbbi Fizyoloji. Ankara: Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri, 13. basım.
Other Sources
Silverthorn, DU (2016).Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach. Pearson, 7. basım.
Barret, KE., et al. (2016). Ganong’s Review of medical physiology. New York: McGraw-Hill Medical, 25. basım.
Stanfield, CL. (2017). Principles of Human Physiology. Pearson, 6. basım.
Course Schedules
Learning Methods
1. Week
Autonomic Nervous System
Lecture, question and answer Discussion
2. Week
Digestive System Physiology
Lecture, question and answer Discussion
3. Week
Digestive System Physiology
Lecture, question and answer Discussion
4. Week
Central Nervous System - Sensory Functions
Lecture, question and answer Discussion
5. Week
Vision Physiology
Lecture, question and answer Discussion
6. Week
Hearing and Taste Physiology
Lecture, question and answer Discussion
7. Week
8. Week
Nervous System - Motor Functions
Lecture, question and answer Discussion
9. Week
Hypothalamus and its Functions
Lecture, question and answer Discussion
10. Week
Heat Regulation
Lecture, question and answer Discussion
11. Week
Endocrine Physiology
Lecture, question and answer Discussion
12. Week
Endocrine Physiology
Lecture, question and answer Discussion
13. Week
Endocrine Physiology
Lecture, question and answer Discussion
14. Week
Nutrition and Metabolism
Lecture, question and answer Discussion
15. Week
Final exam
16. Week
Final exam
17. Week
Final exam
Evaluation tools
Final Exam
Program Outcomes
It covers the issues of determining and evaluating general health problems related to nutrition. To be able to communicate effectively between individuals, both written and verbal, to be able to work as an interdisciplinary team.
To be able to explain Nutrition and Dietetic practices using this knowledge, to develop materials and to provide evidence-based data.
Identification of the needs of clients for their nutritional and dietary recommendations, identification of individual treatment protocols, and evaluation of results.
Ability to follow plans, policies, laws, regulations, legislation affecting the profession of dieticians, to assume personal responsibility in professional practices and decisions taken.
To be able to identify and solve the ethical problems that may arise in the dietitian-client relationship and to develop strategies that will help the clients to choose safe, healthy and accessible foods.
Nutrition and Dietetic students and stays, professional trainings and internships.
To provide a qualified nutrition and dietetic service, to improve health, to prevent diseases and treatments, to apply professional knowledge and skills in food and beverage sector.
Ability to have adequate knowledge of basic knowledge, scientific stance and professional skills in nutrition, nutrition, dietetics, management and other fields.
Planning, implementation, follow-up and evaluation of appropriate medical nutrition treatment considering individual's socio-cultural and economic structure and nutrition habits.
To be able to evaluate factors affecting nutrient quality of individual and society in food production-consumption chain and to be able to apply standards and legal regulations on nutritional safety and safety.
Learning Outcomes
It learns the working mechanisms of all cells, tissues, organs and systems in the body.
The human learns the physiology of the body's systems and their cellular structures.
The human body has basic information about the physiology of the systems and information about the causes of the basic diseases related to the systems.
In the human body, it's blood, the importance of oxygen for cells, and their relationship to foods.