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Entrepreneurship I

Course CodeSemester Course Name LE/RC/LA Course Type Language of Instruction ECTS
ISLU0005 Entrepreneurship I 2/0/0 EL Türkçe 2
Course Goals
The ultimate aim of this course is to give basic methodology of entrepreneurship so that students can jump from ideation level to commercialization. While learning this methodology, they can learn the dynamics of entrepreneurship ecosystem both in Turkish context and in other contexts, more particularly the contexts in which best entrepreneurial practices have already flourished.
Prerequisite(s) Course Code Course Name…
Corequisite(s) Course Code Course Name…
Special Requisite(s) The minimum qualifications that are expected from the students who want to attend the course.(Examples: Foreign language level, attendance, known theoretical pre-qualifications, etc.)
Instructor(s) Dr.Taha Yusuf ÇAKAREL
Course Assistant(s) Res. Asst. Taha Yusuf Çakarel
Schedule Friday, 13:00-14:50 (Virtual Class)
Office Hour(s) TBA
Teaching Methods and Techniques Reading, lecture (presentation) , discussion, in-class exercises, Ted Talks, films.
Principle Sources 1. Eric Ries (2012). Yalın Yeni Girişim: Bugünün girişimcileri sürekli yeniliği kullanarak çok başarılı işleri nasıl ortaya çıkarır? Özyeğin Üniversitesi yayınları.

2. Alexander Osterwalder ve Yves Pigneur (2016). İş Modeli Üretimi: Optimist.
3. Steve Blank (2017). Girişimcinin El Kitabı: Boyut yayınları.   4. Girişimcilik ve İnovasyon Yönetimi (2016). Kahraman Çatı (ed.). Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.   5. Girişimcilik Sözlüğü (2016). ARİNKOM, TTO Yayınları.
Other Sources -Class notes will also be available.
Course Schedules
Week Contents Learning Methods
1. Week Introduction and orientation to the course Discussion
2. Week Introduction to Entrepreneurship: What is entrepreneurship and why is it important? Lecture, presentation, discussion, Ted Talk andarticle reading
3. Week Recognizing Opportunities and Generating Ideas Lecture, presentation and in-class Scamper exercise Sunum, Anlatım ve Scamper sınıf içi Uygulama
4. Week Building a new venture team: Team discovery and team formation activities Lecture, presentation, discussion, Ted Talk
5. Week Idea validation tool: Business Model Canvas Lecture, presentation, discussion
6. Week Business Model Canvas Designing practices Lecture and discussion (in-class exercise)
7. Week Lean Startup Methodology Lecture, presentation, discussion and article reading
8. Week Midterm Exam EXAM
9. Week Midterm Exam EXAM
10. Week Feasibility Analysis & Industry and Competitor Analysis Lecture, presentation, discussion
11. Week The Business Plan: What is it, why do entrepreneurs need to create such a plan and when should entrepreneurs use this tool? Lecture, presentation, discussion
12. Week Assessing a New Venture’s Financial Strength and Viability & Getting Financing and Funding Lecture, presentation, discussion and guest speaker
13. Week Entrepreneurship Ecosystem models and hot topics on entrepreneurship Lecture, presentation, discussion and article reading
14. Week Recap of the semester Discussion
15. Week Final Exam Assessment and evaluation
16. Week Final Exam Assessment and evaluation
17. Week Final Exam Assessment and evaluation
Evaluation tools Quantity Weight(%)