As a result of development of thoughts and technology in developing world , the borders between the countries are dissapearing. In this environment media has the most important responsibility.The mass media mediums has an important role in politics, arts and culture, international relations, human resources, life styles, economical areas, sports , health and also important for countries in order to reach wealth. For this reason students who have broad knowledge about these areas that are listed above , who understand the importance of international media and who have the necessary education are required in the sector. Also these conscious and intellectual individuals of the information age provides opportunity to live in peace. This course aims to educate students that have such qualifications.
Special Requisite(s)
LecturerSerfiraz Ergun
Course Assistant(s)
Monday, 14:00-15:45, Ataköy Campus, 5C-07-09
Office Hour(s)
Monday, 14:00-15:45, Ataköy Campus, 5C-07-09
Teaching Methods and Techniques
Analyzing world media and Turkish media by learning the past and present conditions. Practicing with examples related to news, interviews, dialogue, entertainment and films in national and global media.
Explaining the media philosophy and emphasizing the history of newspaper, radio, TV and internet.
Verbal Lecture
2. Week
The development stages of Turkish Media in media history and analyzing the education system.
Verbal Lecture
3. Week
The development stages of Turkish Media in media history and analyzing the education system.
Verbal Lecture
4. Week
Analyzing the mass media mediums importance.
Verbal Lecture
5. Week
Developing media content and providing student the opportunity to make a practice in order to make him/her understand the subject.
Verbal Lecture
6. Week
General review
Verbal Lecture
7. Week
Midterm Exam
Midterm Exam
8. Week
Analyzing the effects of media news on public opinion in terms of quantity and quality.
Verbal Lecture
9. Week
Ulusal, küresel, yerel nitelikli gelişmelerin yansıtılmasında hedefe varmak için kitle iletişim araçlarına gerekli olan etik değerlere uygun hareket etmek
Verbal Lecture
10. Week
Ulusal, küresel, yerel nitelikli gelişmelerin yansıtılmasında hedefe varmak için kitle iletişim araçlarına gerekli olan etik değerlere uygun hareket etmek.
Verbal Lecture
11. Week
Analyzing the differences between intellectual programs, documentary programs, entertainment programs and their practice ways. Comparing national media and global media.
Verbal Lecture
12. Week
Analyzing the differences between intellectual programs, documentary programs, entertainment programs and their practice ways. Comparing national media and global media.
Verbal Lecture
13. Week
Providing knowledge about technique and providing general knowledge about light, decoration behind scenes and in front of the camera.