Introduction to architecture, with design processes and laws. Scales in architecture. Programmes of different building types and their functions. Physical attributes and environmental factors that effect on architectural design process. Housing spaces: Living rooms, bedrooms. Vertical and horizontal circulation elements. Types of houses. Types of buildings. Urban planning strategies, theories and terminologies.
Special Requisite(s)
Assist. Prof. Dr. S
Course Assistant(s)
The course is not opened for this semester.
Office Hour(s)
The course is not opened for this semester.
Teaching Methods and Techniques
Course topics will be covered within the scope of article and supported with the help of slides. Two homeworks will ve given. First one is “drawing a plan and sections of the rooms in their house”. Second one is “research work about a city or a urban area”.
Principle Sources
- Enes Faik Arcan-Fikret Evci (1999). Mimari Tasarıma Yaklaşım. Tasarım Yayın Grubu, 975-8051-10-5.
- Ernst Neufert (2000). Yapı Tasarım Bilgisi. Beta Yayıncılık, 9754869356.
- Francis D. K. Ching (2004). İç Mekan Tasarımı. Yapı Endüstri Merkezi Yayıncılık, 975-8599- 37-2.
- Francis D. K. Ching (2006). Bina Yapım Rehberi. Yapı Endüstri Merkezi Yayıncılık, 975-5899-72-0.
- Etchells F. (1987). The City of Tomorrow and its Planning by Le Corbusler. The Architectural Press, London.
- Tarihten Günümüze Anadolu’da Konut ve Yerleşme (1996). Tarih Vakfı Yayınları.
- Kamusal Alan. Editör Meral Özbek (2005). Hil Yayınevi, ISBN: 9789757638247.
- Lee J.H. (2009). Celebrating the City Urban Facilities. C3 Publishing, YEM.
- Lee J.H. (2008). Urban Facilities. C3 Publishing, YEM.
- Lee J.H. (2008). Architecture for Public. C3 Publishing, YEM.
- Lee J.H. (2008). Commercial Space. C3 Publishing, YEM.
Other Sources
Course Schedules
Learning Methods
1. Week
Introduction to the course: Importance of interdisciplinary ventures in business life
Presentation and Discussion
2. Week
Architectural Theory-1:Evaluation in architecture. Importance of function and human dimensions. Anthropometric dimensions and basic human requirements
Presentation and Discussion
3. Week
Architectural Theory-2: Relations of equipments-function-dimensions. Effects of environmental factors and physical attributes in design process
HW-1: Drawing your house (livingroom) plan and section(s) with its all equipments in 1/50 scale
4. Week
Architectural Theory-3: Architectural design process. Dimensions of spaces and structural elements
Presentation and Discussion
5. Week
Architectural Theory-4: Examination of horizontal and vertical elements (stairs, ramps, elevators, escalators, halls and entrance halls, corridors, etc.) in a structure
Presentation and Discussion
6. Week
Architectural Theory-5: Scale in architectural design, surveying and terminologies
Presentation and Discussion
7. Week
Urban Design-1: History of urban development
Presentation and Discussion
8. Week
Midterm Exam
Examination – Submission of HW-1
9. Week
Urban Design-2: Urban development and planning theories: Planning strategies, zoning, satellite city
HW-2: Researching an urban design example in the world
10. Week
Urban Design-3: Urban components: Squares, streets, roads, transportation centers and building groups
Presentation and Discussion
11. Week
Urban Design-4: Urban components: Cul de sacs, courtyards, urban gardens, parking areas
Urban Design-6: Urban components: Urban transformation and revitalization
Presentation and Discussion
14. Week
Final evaluation of the lecture, discussion
Submission of HW-2
15. Week
16. Week
17. Week
Evaluation tools
Homework / Term Projects / Presentations
Final Exam
Program Outcomes
Adequate knowledge in mathematics, science and engineering subjects pertaining to the relevant discipline; ability to use theoretical and applied knowledge in these areas in the solution of complex engineering problems.
Ability to formulate, and solve complex engineering problems; ability to select and apply proper analysis and modeling methods for this purpose.
Ability to design a complex systemi process, device or product under realistic constraints and conditions, in such a way as to meet the desired results; ability to apply modern design methods for this purpose.
Ability to select and use modern techniques and tools needed for analyzing and Solving complex problems encountered in engineering practice; ability to employ information technologies effectively.
Ability to design and conduct experiments, gather data, analyze and interpret results for investing complex engineering problems or discipline specific research questions.
Ability to work efficiently in intra-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary teams; ability to work individually.
Ability to communicate effectivley, both orally and in writing; knowledge of a minimum of one foreign language; ability to write effective reports and comprehend written reports, prepare design and production reports, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear and intelligible instruction.
Awareness of the need for lifelong learning; ability to access information, to follow developments in science and technology, and to continue to educate him/herself.
Knowledge on behavior according ethical principles, professional and ethical responsibility and standards used in engineering practices.
Knowledge about business life practices such as project management, risk management, and change management; awareness in entrepreneurship, innovation; knowledge about sustainable development.
Knowledge about the global and social effects of engineering practices on health, environment, and safety, and contemporary issues of the century reflected into the field of engineering; awareness of the legal consequences of engineering solutions.
Learning Outcomes
Conceives the importance of function and human dimensions, anthropometric dimensions and basic human requirements and the factors that effect the design process. (KNOWLEDGE)
Informed about structure and elements. (KNOWLEDGE)
Conceives the scales in architectural design, surveying and terminologies. (KNOWLEDGE)
Evaluates the history of urban developments. (KNOWLEDGE)
Conceives the basic urban planning theories and strategies and architectural – physical urban componentes. (KNOWLEDGE)