Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
Civil Engineering
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Civil Engineering Main Page / Program Curriculum / The Physics of Everday Life

The Physics of Everday Life

Course CodeSemester Course Name LE/RC/LA Course Type Language of Instruction ECTS
PHU0006 The Physics of Everday Life 2/0/0 EL English 2
Course Goals
 This course is designed for students in all disciplines and all years who are curious about science in daily life
Prerequisite(s) Non-prereq.
Corequisite(s) None
Special Requisite(s) N/A
Instructor(s) Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Yelkenci
Course Assistant(s) -
Schedule This course will not open in fall and spring terms.
Office Hour(s) Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Ayşegül Yelkenci, Wednesday 13:00, 3A-14
Teaching Methods and Techniques  Multimedya technics, Physics demonstrations ( from web sites), Lectures
Principle Sources TEXT BOOK:  Louis A. Bloomfield, “How Things Work: The Physics of Everyday Life”, 6th Edition, 2015

Other Sources
Course Schedules
Week Contents Learning Methods
1. Week INTRODUCTION Multimedya
2. Week THE LAWS OF MOTION – Skating, Falling Balls. Multimedya
3. Week THE LAWS OF MOTION – Seesaws, Wheels, Bumper Cars Multimedya
4. Week MECHANICAL OBJECTS – Spring Scales, Ball Sports: Bouncing, “Carousels and Roller Coasters”. Multimedya
5. Week MECHANICAL OBJECTS – Bicycles. Multimedya
6. Week FLUIDS – Balloons, Water Distribution. Multimedya
7. Week FLUIDS AND MOTION – Garden Watering, Airplanes. Multimedya
8. Week HEAT AND PHASE TRANSITIONS – Woodstoves, “Water, Steam, and Ice”, “Clothing, Insulation, and Climate”. Multimedya
9. Week Midterm Exam Multiple choice
10. Week THERMODYNAMICS – Air Conditioners, Automobiles. Multimedya
11. Week RESONANCE AND MECHANICAL WAVES – Clocks, Musical Instruments, The Sea. Multimedya
12. Week ELECTRICITY – Xerographic Copiers,Flashlights Multimedya
13. Week MAGNETISM AND ELECTRODYNAMICS – Household Magnets, Electric Power Distribution Multimedya
14. Week ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES – Radio, Microwave Ovens. Multimedya
15. Week FINAL EXAM Multiple choice
16. Week FINAL EXAM Multiple choice
17. Week FINAL EXAM Multiple choice
Evaluation tools Quantity Weight(%)
Midterm(s) 1 50
Final Exam 1 50