Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
Civil Engineering
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Intermediate Turkish I

Course CodeSemester Course Name LE/RC/LA Course Type Language of Instruction ECTS
TRU0003 Intermediate Turkish I 4/0/0 EL English 4
Course Goals
 The goal is to give the students the intermediate level (B1.1) knowledge of Turkish language in a semester, and making sure that they can understand the main themes of the texts written clearly. It is aimed for them to form simple but relevant sentences and give them the opportunity to speak and write about the subjects that they come across in their daily lives.
Prerequisite(s) Having A1 level knowledge of Turkish language
Corequisite(s) -
Special Requisite(s) -
Instructor(s) Gizem Akyol
Course Assistant(s) Ali Daşman
Schedule Day, hours, XXX Campus, classroom number.
Office Hour(s) Instructor name, day, hours, XXX Campus, office number.
Teaching Methods and Techniques -Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques; Question-Answer-Inference and educative methods focused on four basic linguistic skills.
Principle Sources -Istanbul (Turkish for Foreign Students), (Workbook, CD), Yeni Hitit 2 (Workbook, CD)
Other Sources -Yabancı Dilim Türkçe 3
Course Schedules
Week Contents Learning Methods
1. Week Moving, What kind of house are you looking for? Gerunds: -arak, -a –a, Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
2. Week Where are we going? Past Continuous Tense Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
3. Week Division of labor, Grocery shopping, Our first day in Istanbul Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
4. Week Business life, Nominalization: (-mak, -ma) Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
5. Week Work conditions, Reciprocal Verb (-iş) Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
6. Week Choosing a career, Work conditions, Our dream job Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
7. Week Small achievements in our life, Job posting, Reported Speech (Imperative) Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
8. Week Midterm Exam
9. Week Health comes first, Live long and healthy, Necessitative Mood Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
10. Week Exercise for staying healthy, The oldest person on earth, Using Necessitative Mood Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
11. Week Keeping a diary, Our joys and sorrows, An interview with an athlete Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
12. Week Education life, Learning styles, Gerunds (-mak için,-ması için, -mak üzere), News on education, Learning knows no age limit Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
13. Week Does everyone learns the same way?, Gerunds (-maktansa/ -masına rağmen), Writing a letter Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
14. Week Areas of intelligence, Child education, Foreign language education Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
15. Week It is too early to give up, Gerunds (-a rağmen / -sa bile), Our dreams Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
16. Week Final Exams Week
17. Week Make-up Exams Week
Evaluation tools Quantity Weight(%)