The goal is to give the students the intermediate level knowledge of Turkish language in a semester, and making sure that they can understand the main themes of the texts written clearly. It is aimed for them to form simple but relevant sentences and give them the opportunity to speak and write about the subjects that they come across in their daily lives.
-Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques; Question-Answer-Inference and educative methods focused on four basic linguistic skills.
Principle Sources
-Istanbul (Turkish for Foreign Students), (Workbook, CD), Yeni Hitit 2 (Workbook, CD)
Other Sources
-Yabancı Dilim Türkçe 3
Course Schedules
Learning Methods
1. Week
Negative and Question Shots of Possessive Attachment, Possession
Eksi's Positive-Negative and Question Forms
Exercises, Speaking and Writing Studies
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
2. Week
The General Revolutions of the Possessive Axis, Practical Speech,
Writing 'Studies on Reading Texts
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
3. Week
"Use of (la, le, yla, yle), Directions, Indicated
And Unspecified Name Completions, Specified and Unspecified
Name Completion iîe Speaking Practices, Reading
Works on the texts.
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices
Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
4. Week
Information about Status Attachments, Availability Status
(-da, Locative), Orientation (-a, Dative), Separation
Status (from, Ablative), Specification, Status (-s,
Accusative), Vehicle 'Status, (-la, le, yla, yla,
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Reading and Writing Studies Related to Situational Attachments,
Studies on Reading Texts, Future
Time Information, Future Facts
Positive Shrinkage, Positive in the Future
. Speaking Practices with Affixed Verbs
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
5. Week
The State of Person Pronouns, Person Pronouns
Use with Attachments, Reading and Writing Studies,
Studies on Reading Texts.
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Adjectives with -lk-sız Production Attachments, with Attachment Attachment
Names, Occupational Names with -iConstruction Annotation, Reading with Constitutional Attachments
Writing Work, On Reading Texts
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation,
Practices of conversation
Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
6. Week
Information about Envelope Acts, -If Envelope Act
Use of Speech and
Writing Work, -Use of Envelope Act, -
Speaking and Writing with Envelope Verb
Study, Use of Envelope, Envelope
Verbal Speech and Writing Work, Order Advance,
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Information on Conjunctions, "either in either"
Use of Conjunctions in Words, "what is what", "-a
Up to (time) "" up to (place) "of the bonds
Teaching, Speaking and Writing Using Conjunctions,
Studies on Reading Texts.
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices
Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
7. Week
Simple Present Tense Information, Simple Present Tense
Positive Shots of Facts, Actuals
Speaking and Writing with Positive Shots
Practices, Simple Present Tense Negative versions.
Speaking and Writing Studies with Shots.
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Broad Time Positive Question Format, Wide Time
Speaking and Writing with Positive Question Formats
Exercises, Intermittent Exceptional Verbs,
Practical Conversation with Wide Time Crimes
Writing Practices.
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
8. Week
midterm exam
9. Week
Functions of simple present Time, Reading Texts
Studies on
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-understanding practices. Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Person Pronouns Together Use of Attachment,
The use of the addendum, the
Writing Studies
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Use of the Catcher Attachment, with Causative Attachment
Speaking and Writing Studies, How Much? -It
How Much Is It? -How much turkish lira? Teaching of Patterns,
Studies on Reading Texts.
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Idioms, Metaphorical Discourses and Uses, Reading
Works on the texts.
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation,
Practices of conversation
Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
10. Week
Time and distance with "-dir", "since"
Teaching of clarification, in-sentence "
Then, from now on, "from time to time"
And the teaching of the determination of distance starts,
Examples of proverbs and idioms, Metaphor
Teaching the meanings of speech.
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Text readings, i-mek verb's specific past tense
The teaching of the form, the specific past of the i-mek verb
Writing sample sentences established with time form
Speaking practices, proper pronunciation practices. '
Text readings, indefinite past tense of i-mek verb
Teaching the form. Speaking and writing practices,
Indefinite past tense, Actual tense past
Teaching positively
Writing and speaking practices.
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
studies. Practice of conversation
Proper pronunciation exercises, text reading, classroom
Exercise solutions, Introduction to the conditional requirement, Wish-condition
Examples created using the mode,
The use of time learned with a wish-condition
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Text readings, in-class exercise solutions, "What
To answer with different ulars in the question of "time?"
Teaching and speaking and writing of such cues
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
11. Week
Pronouns, Extended time, Attendant
An overview.
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, - Writing and presentation '
Practices of conversation
The Requirement Mode is given in full detail.
The mode of competence is given in every detail.
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation • '
Practices of conversation
Participants are taught in detail.
Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
12. Week
Intermediate Turkish repetation, text reading.
{For branches) Reading development work,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
All the simple times in Turkic,
Combinations with connectives, text reading.
(For branches) - Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Passive and passive combinations, text reading
Indirect expression, Unified sentences (Indirect expression
Expressions), text reading
Transfiguration, Işeş. Passive and causative revolt.
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Conjunctions 2
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
13. Week
United Times (Story)
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
United times (Rumor)
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Unified times (Condition)
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-understanding. Practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Construction supplements 1
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Construction supplements 2 '
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening comprehension practices, Writing. And presentation
Practices of conversation
Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques
14. Week
United Times (Story)
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
United times (Rumor)
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Unified times (Condition)
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-understanding. Practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Construction supplements 1
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening-comprehension practices, Writing and presentation
Practices of conversation
Construction supplements 2 '
(For branches) Reading development studies,
Listening comprehension practices, Writing. And presentation
Practices of conversation
Student Oriented, Communicative Methods and Techniques