Faculty of Science and Letters
Turkish Language and Literature
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Course CodeSemester Course Name LE/RC/LA Course Type Language of Instruction ECTS
TDEB612 Semantics 2/0/0 DE Turkish 3
Course Goals 1-      Introduction to semantics 2-      To learn the filed of studies and techniques of semantics 3-      To familiarize with the linguistics of semantics 4-       Learning Diachronism and isochronisms of semantics 5-      Learning the History of semantics in East and West
Special Requisite(s)
Instructor(s) Assist. Prof. Dr. Kayhan Şahan
Course Assistant(s)
Office Hour(s)
Teaching Methods and Techniques  
Lecturing, Question-Answer, Analysis of semantics
Principle Sources  
Tamba-Mecz, Anlambilim, İst., 1998. D., Aksan, Anlambilimi ve Türk Anlambilimi, Ank., 1978
Other Sources
Course Schedules
Week Contents Learning Methods
1. Week What’s Semantics? What are the scopes and limits? Lecturing Question-Answer Analysis of semantics
2. Week Lexicrogphic semantics Lecturing Question-Answer Analysis of semantics
3. Week Diachronic and isachronic semantic Lecturing Question-Answer Analysis of semantics
4. Week Historical semantics, intercultural semantics Lecturing Question-Answer Analysis of semantics
5. Week Semantics in languages Lecturing Question-Answer Analysis of semantics
6. Week Real-functional semantics Lecturing Question-Answer Analysis of semantics
7. Week information technologies and semantics Lecturing Question-Answer Analysis of semantics
8. Week Vize
9. Week productive semantics Lecturing Question-Answer Analysis of semantics
10. Week structural semantics Lecturing Question-Answer Analysis of semantics
11. Week Eastern perspective of semantics Lecturing Question-Answer Analysis of semantics
12. Week Western perspective of semantics Lecturing Question-Answer Analysis of semantics
13. Week theorists and philosophers of semantics Lecturing Question-Answer Analysis of semantics
14. Week Intersection and orientation of semantics Lecturing Question-Answer Analysis of semantics
15. Week Final
16. Week
17. Week
Evaluation tools Quantity Weight(%)
Midterm(s) 1 40
Homework / Term Projects / Presentations 1 0
Final Exam 1 60

Program Outcomes
PO-11. The student adopts the skill to practice the Turkish language properly and clearly by analyzing it in terms of phonetics , structure and form, syntax and semantics .
PO-22. The student can appreciate all the texts related to Turkish Language and Literature from the onrush up to the present from a linguistic and literary aspect.He also finds the opportunity to compare them with the Western literature texts.
PO-33.The student can make an anthology or research on Folklore.
PO-44. The student attains information about Atatürk principles and revolutions.
PO-55. The student knows the leading literary output, reads the sample texts representing the historical development of Turkish Language and Literature and conveys it to scientific transcription alphabet.
PO-66. The student has the lesson materials containing the contemporary information, research methods, information and theories used for Turkish Language Literature Programme.
PO-77. The student uses practices the theories and information he learnt at the Turkish Language and Literature Programme on research and public service area.
PO-88. The student scopes out the problems encountered and finds solutions through individual studies and assumes his /her responsibilities as a team member.
PO-99. The student supports the solutions through concrete input and shares this input with the experts concerned by analyzing the problems related to the Turkish Language and Literature Programme.
PO-1010. The student actively takes part and serves in some cultural, social and artistic events related to the Turkish Language and Literature field.
PO-1111. The student collects, solves and comments on the theoretical and practical data by means of at least one foreign language on which he has a good command.
PO-1212. The student asseses the contemporary and classical literature information and theories in accordance with certain theories and trends and also criticizes them in terms of literature and linguistics.
PO-1313.The student uses the computer, Informatics and Information Technologies efficiently for his field.
PO-1414. The student adopts the conciousness about lifelong learning.
PO-1515. The student obtains basic information and skills about how to make academical research and study on Turkish Language and Literature.
PO-1616. The student respects the Professional responsibilities and ethics related to the field ‘ Turkish Language and Literature’.
Learning Outcomes
LO-1Identifies the scope and frame of semantics
LO-2Learn about the field of study and methods of semantics
LO-3Identifies the linguistics of semantics
LO-4Learn about Diachronic and isachronic semantics
LO-5Learn the history of Eastern and Western perspectives of semantics
Course Assessment Matrix:
Program Outcomes - Learning Outcomes Matrix
 PO 1PO 2PO 3PO 4PO 5PO 6PO 7PO 8PO 9PO 10PO 11PO 12PO 13PO 14PO 15PO 16
LO 1
LO 2
LO 3
LO 4
LO 5