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Faculty of Law Main Page / Program Curriculum / Constitutional Law - General Principles I (odd)

Constitutional Law - General Principles I (odd)

Course CodeSemester Course Name LE/RC/LA Course Type Language of Instruction ECTS
HUK1102 1 Constitutional Law - General Principles I (odd) 3/0/0 CC Turkish 4
Course Goals
This course aims to study the general principles of  the constitutional law in detail.
Prerequisite(s) None
Corequisite(s) None
Special Requisite(s) None
Instructor(s) Professor Necmi Yüzbaşıoğlu
Course Assistant(s) Assist. Prof. Dr. Ceren YILDIZ
Schedule Tuesday, 09.00-11.45, Şirinevler Campus Lecture Hall VII
Office Hour(s) Prof. Dr. Necmi YÜZBAŞIOĞLU, Tuesday, 13.00-15.00, Şirinevler Campus H-201-02
Teaching Methods and Techniques

-Lecture, Discussion

Principle Sources

-Erdoğan Teziç, Anayasa Hukuku, Beta Yayınları, İstanbul, 2011.

-Kemal Gözler, Anayasa Hukukunun Genel Esasları, Ekin Yayınları, Bursa, 2010. 

Other Sources

-İbrahim Kaboğlu, Anayasa Hukuku Dersleri (Genel Esaslar), Legal Yayınevi, İstanbul, 2010.

-Yavuz AtarAnayasa Hukuku, 8.bası, Mimoza, 2013.

-Cem EroğulAnatüzeye Giriş, 15.bası, İmaj, 2016.

-Zafer GörenAnayasa Hukuku, 2.Bası, Yetkin, 2015.

Course Schedules
Week Contents Learning Methods
1. Week Power,Political Power and types of legitimacy Lectures-discussions
2. Week Concept of state and state systems Lectures-discussions
3. Week Concept of constitution and types of constitution Lectures-discussions
4. Week Making and amending the constitutions Lectures-discussions
5. Week Types of goverments according to usage of sovereignty Lectures-discussions
6. Week Elections and Electoral systems Lectures-discussions
7. Week Elections and Electoral systems Lectures-discussions
8. Week Political Parties Lectures-discussions
9. Week Executive function Lectures-discussions
10. Week Legislative function Lectures-discussions
11. Week Paliamentary immunity Lectures-discussions
12. Week Political Regimes Lectures-discussions
13. Week Parliamentary Regime Lectures-discussions
14. Week The general principles of constitutional juristiction Lectures-discussions
15. Week Final exam
16. Week Final exam
17. Week
Evaluation tools Quantity Weight(%)
Final Exam 1 100

Program Outcomes
PO-1Have the ability to reach and evaluate information sources;
PO-2Have the ability to use, compare, interpret, deduce from and apply scientific data;
PO-3Have historical knowledge enabling to interpret modern law achievements;
PO-4Have the ability to use Turkish efficiently verbally and in written;
PO-5Have the ability to follow up professional literature at least in a foreign language;
PO-6Have acquired professional and ethical sense of responsibility;
PO-7Have the ability to use vocational information technologies efficiently for solution of legal problems;
PO-8Have the ability to apply information acquired to solution of a concrete case;
PO-9Have full knowledge of legal rules which regulate relationship among natural legal persons and have the ability to interpret such rules;
PO-10Have full knowledge of legal rules which regulate relationship between individual and state and have the ability to interpret such rules;
PO-11Have the ability to practice the profession as a lawyer who adopts universal principles of law;
PO-12Have full knowledge of basic concepts and rules regarding structure and relationship manners of international community; have the ability to interpret and discuss about the foregoing;
PO-13Have basic knowledge enabling to evaluate international community’s common issues and their possible solutions;
PO-14Have knowledge enabling to apply to human rights bodies having a supranational judicial quality and to follow up the process;
PO-15Have knowledge on European Union Acquis Communautaire and operation of its institutions;
PO-16Have a world view enabling to question, criticize and develop law in direction with needs of humanity;
PO-17Have knowledge on historical development process of jurisprudence and judicial systems;
PO-18Have the ability to solve actual legal problems within the frame of contemporary legal approaches;
PO-19Be at the level of understanding and knowledge which reflects all qualities in the best way required by the profession on national and international scale;
PO-20Have full knowledge of legal arrangements and practices regarding economic and financial mechanisms;
PO-21Have knowledge on historical development of rights of individuals and societies and on basic texts adopted during the process;
PO-22Have the ability to express himself individually and before a group;
PO-23Have the ability to use, compare, interpret, deduce from and apply scientific data;
PO-24Have the ability to follow up regulations and legal quests in order to meet new needs appeared within the frame of relationships between individuals;
PO-25Have the ability to cooperate by implementing activities during courses, hypothetical law suits and judicial studies and other vocational and academic visits;
PO-26Have the ability to understand and handle national and international dimensions of law, jurisprudence and practices by means of follow up;
PO-27Have knowledge of international judicial bodies and their ways of operation.
Learning Outcomes
LO-1To be able to understand and analyze (political) power and power relations
LO-2To be able to evaluate different states types.
LO-3To be able to evaluate the different practices of sovereignty together with its imlications and consequences.
LO-4To be able to evaluate the existing constitutional orders in terms of constitutional protection of fredoms.
LO-5To be able to evaluate diferent national election and political party sysyems and to comprehent their historical roots.
LO-6To able to evaluate the political regimes in different societies according to constitutional order and freedoms.
LO-7To able to comprehend the functions of state Powers and their interaction on the basis of constitutional values.
LO-8To able to comrehend the constitutional juristiction in the World.
Course Assessment Matrix:
Program Outcomes - Learning Outcomes Matrix
 PO 1PO 2PO 3PO 4PO 5PO 6PO 7PO 8PO 9PO 10PO 11PO 12PO 13PO 14PO 15PO 16PO 17PO 18PO 19PO 20PO 21PO 22PO 23PO 24PO 25PO 26PO 27
LO 1
LO 2
LO 3
LO 4
LO 5
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LO 8