Associate Degree Programs
Vocational School of Bussiness Administration
Foreign Trade
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Foreign Trade Main Page / Program Curriculum / INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW


Course CodeSemester Course Name LE/RC/LA Course Type Language of Instruction ECTS
Course Goals
 In this course, commercial business law, partnership law and
trade law under the main headings of negotiable paper law issues will be examined. Trade under the Turkish Commercial Code the subject of law, commercial business, commercial business, merchant, intellectual and industrial property rights, unfair competition, protection of competition, trading companies, negotiable paper types and bills of exchange (bills, policies and checks) will be examined.
Prerequisite(s) Course Code Course Name…
Corequisite(s) Course Code Course Name…
Special Requisite(s) The minimum qualifications that are expected from the students who want to attend the course.(Examples: Foreign language level, attendance, known theoretical pre-qualifications, etc.)
Course Assistant(s)
Office Hour(s) Instructor name, day, hours, XXX Campus, office number.
Teaching Methods and Techniques  narration, question and answer
Principle Sources  Sabih Arkan, Ticari İşletme Hukuku - İbrahim Arslan, Şirketler Hukuku Bilgisi - Oğuz İmregün, Kara Ticareti Hukuku Dersleri - Poroy/Tekinalp/Çamoğlu, Ortaklıklar ve Kooperatifler Hukuku - Selma Baktır, Ticari İşletme Hukuku - Poroy/Yasaman, Ticari İşletme Hukuku - Sami Karahan, Ticari İşletme Hukuku - Mehmet Bahtiyar, Ortaklıklar Hukuku - İmregün, Oğuz, Kıymetli Evrak Hukuku - Tekil, Fehiman, Kıymetli Evrak Hukuku - Kınacıoğlu, Naci, Kıymetli Evrak Hukuku - Poroy/Tekinalp, Kıymetli Evrak Hukuku Esasları - Pulaşlı, Kıymetli Evrak Hukuku - Göle, Bankacılar İçin Kıymetli Evrak Hukuku Bilgisi ve Ticari Senetler - Ülgen/Helvacı/Kendigelen/Kaya, Kıymetli Evrak Hukuku - Bahtiyar, Kıymetli Evrak Hukuku Ders Notları - Türk Ticaret Kanunu ve ilgili mevzuat - Mahkeme kararları
Other Sources
Course Schedules
Week Contents Learning Methods
1. Week The subject of commercial law, resources and historical development narration, question and answer
2. Week Commercial business, commercial business and the provisions they are subject to narration, question and answer
3. Week   Legal consequences of being a merchant and a merchant narration, question and answer
4. Week   Trade register, trade name and business name narration, question and answer
5. Week   Intellectual and industrial property rights, brands narration, question and answer
6. Week   Unfair competition, protection of competition narration, question and answer
7. Week   Unfair competition, protection of competition narration, question and answer
8. Week Midterm
9. Week Ordinary partnerships, general provisions of trade partnerships, mergers and acquisitions in partnerships narration, question and answer
10. Week   Collective partnerships, limited partnerships, limited partnerships narration, question and answer
11. Week   The concept of share in joint stock companies, publicly held joint stock corporations according to the Capital Market Law, securities issued by joint stock companies narration, question and answer
12. Week Negotiable paper concept, basic features, types of negotiable documents; nama, emre and pregnant characteristics of the negotiable documents arranged narration, question and answer
13. Week Bills of exchange (bills, policies, checks) narration, question and answer
14. Week Bills of exchange (bills, policies, checks)
15. Week exam
16. Week exam
17. Week exam
Evaluation tools Quantity Weight(%)
Midterm(s) 40 40
Final Exam 60 60

Program Outcomes
PO-1PO 1. To have a basic knowledge in the field of Foreign Trade and to recognize various documents used
PO-2PO 2. To have a basic knowledge of Export and customs regulation.
PO-3PO 3. To gain information about basic methods used in accounting and business practices of these methods
PO-4PO 4. Identify the functions and applications of marketing in business, do market research and marketing communications as required by their use
PO-5PO 5. Knowledge of the formation of international trade and international trade policies
PO-6PO 6. To have the knowledge associated with the management of foreign trade and logistics
PO-7PO 7. To have the knowledge and use of computer programs
PO-8PO 8. To have the knowledge of foreign trade financing
PO-9PO 9. To have the knowledge of international trade and EU law
PO-10PO 10. To have a basic knowledge on business management and vision on international business
PO-11PO 11. By graduation project having the practice on researching and reporting the knowledge needed.
PO-12PO 12. To have the basic law knowledge and legislation related to foreign trade profession
PO-13PO 13. To have the ability to communicate effectively in orally and in writing
PO-14PO 14. To have knowledge on Ataturk's Principles and Revolution History
PO-15PO 15. To have the professional English on Foreign trade
Learning Outcomes
LO-1By acquiring basic knowledge in the field of commercial law and reaching their sources, getting information and interpreting methods to adopt the purpose of the rules of law by learning and to win the angle,
LO-2Businesses have to deal with their business problems to be able to examine with methods, to interpret the data and to evaluate the results,
LO-3Theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the field of commercial law to use basic information and in other areas of the to associate it with acquired information.
Course Assessment Matrix:
Program Outcomes - Learning Outcomes Matrix
 PO 1PO 2PO 3PO 4PO 5PO 6PO 7PO 8PO 9PO 10PO 11PO 12PO 13PO 14PO 15