Faculty of Science and Letters
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Clinical Psychology

Course CodeSemester Course Name LE/RC/LA Course Type Language of Instruction ECTS
PSK6400 6 Clinical Psychology 3/0/0 CC Turkish 5
Course Goals
getting know the domain of clinical psychology for students who wants to work in clinical area after graduation.  
Prerequisite(s) personality theories
Corequisite(s) ---
Special Requisite(s) ---
Instructor(s) Assoc. Prof. Melis Seray Özden Yıldırım
Course Assistant(s)
Schedule Friday, 09.00-12.00, Seminer 2 Salonu
Office Hour(s)
Teaching Methods and Techniques -Lecture
Principle Sources

Eskin, M., Günseli Dereboy, Ç. Karancı, A. (Ed.) (2022). Klinik psikoloji bilim ve uygulama. Ankara: Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları

McWilliams, N. (2009). Psikanalitik tanı (Çev. E. Kalem). İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.

R. Flanagan ve J. Flanagan (2015). Klinik görüşme psikolojik değerlendirme esasları (Çev. F. Erdoğan). İstanbul: İthaki Yayınları.

Beck J. (2017). Bilişsel davranışçı terapi temelleri ve ötesi (Çev. M. Şahin). Ankara: Nobel Yayınları.

J. E. Young , E. Rafaeli ve D. P. Bernstein (2013). Şema terapi ayırıcı özellikler (Çev. M. Şaşıoğlu). İstanbul: Psikonet Yayınları.

J. E.Young ve J. S.Klosko (2012). Hayatı yeniden keşfedin. İstanbul: Psikonet Yayınları.

Kramer, G. P., Bernstein, D. A., & Phares, V. (2019). Introduction to clinical psychology. Cambridge University Press.

Other Sources -
Course Schedules
Week Contents Learning Methods
1. Week Introduction Lecture
2. Week The definiton of Clinical Psychology - Both in Turkey and on the World Lecture
3. Week Evaluation in Clinical Psychology - Clinical Interview Lecture
4. Week Behavioral Therapies Lecture
5. Week Cognitive Behavioral Therapies Lecture
6. Week Psychoanalytic Therapies Lecture
7. Week Psychoanalytic Diagnosis-Defense Mechanisms Lecture
8. Week Midterm
9. Week Psychoanalytic Diagnosis: The Difference Between Neurosis and Psychosis Lecture
10. Week Psychoanalytic Diagnosis: Types of Character Organization Lecture
11. Week Psychoanalytic Diagnosis: Therapeutic Relationship by Character Organization Lecture
12. Week Schema Therapy Lecture
13. Week Cultural Issues in Clinical Psychology Lecture
14. Week Recent Developments in Psychotherapy Lecture
15. Week General Evaluation Lecture
16. Week Final Exam
17. Week
Evaluation tools Quantity Weight(%)
Midterm(s) 1 30
Attendance 1 10
Discussion 1 10
Final Exam 1 50

Program Outcomes
PO-1Ability to integrate both theorical and practical knowledge in different domains of psychology.
PO-2Apply major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings of psychology on both theory and implication.
PO-3Understanding the difference between science, art, philosophy and common sense paralel to evolution of human life and cognition.
PO-4Gain interdisciplinary perspectives about the evolution of human being and societies.
PO-5Design, run experiment research; collect, analyze and interpret research data; write research reports effectively.
PO-6Ability to Access and use of information effectively; browse interdisciplinary literature, use databases and other information sources properly.
PO-7Gain analytical and critical thinking and writing skills.
PO-8Use appropriately the technical language of science of psychology in oral and written communication and presentation skills.
PO-9High comprehension of at least a foreign language.
PO-10Improve attitudes, abilities and motivation that bring out self efficiacy, talent and creativity.
PO-11Develop skills and abilities for self critisicm and self growth.
PO-12Achieve personal implements for team working.
PO-13Increase sensitivity and awareness to reflect on communication and problem solving processes.
PO-14Ability to develop social sensitivity and consciousness to conduct social responsibility projects.
PO-15Develop leadership skills and management of human relations.
PO-16Professional ethical consciousness.
PO-17Interact effectively and work productively with others.
PO-18Apply technical knowledge of psychology to problem solving processes in professional work settings.
Learning Outcomes
LO-1LO 1. Defining the application areas of clinical psychology and mission and education of clinical psychologist (KNOWLEDGE)
LO-2LO 2. Comparing and examplifying the context of clinical psychology wit other domains of psychology. (COMPREHENSION)
LO-3LO 3. Interpret and examplify the ethics (COMPREHENSION)
LO-4LO 4. Collect data, apply and assess psychological tests. (APPLICATION)
LO-5LO 5. Use psychological assesment techniques relevantly, classifies and concludes. (APPLICATION)
Course Assessment Matrix:
Program Outcomes - Learning Outcomes Matrix
 PO 1PO 2PO 3PO 4PO 5PO 6PO 7PO 8PO 9PO 10PO 11PO 12PO 13PO 14PO 15PO 16PO 17PO 18
LO 1
LO 2
LO 3
LO 4
LO 5