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Psychology Main Page / Program Curriculum / Principles and Implementations of Neuropsychological Assessment II

Principles and Implementations of Neuropsychological Assessment II

Course CodeSemester Course Name LE/RC/LA Course Type Language of Instruction ECTS
PSK 6600 Principles and Implementations of Neuropsychological Assessment II 3/0/0 DE Turkish 6
Course Goals
 The goal of this course is introducing the general assessment principles of neuropsychological assessment and testing the different aspects of neuropsychological functions such as memory, attention, visuo-spatial abilites, language, vs. by using standardized test batteries.
Prerequisite(s) --
Corequisite(s) --
Special Requisite(s) --
Instructor(s) Lecturer Sena Kıcıklar
Course Assistant(s) --
Schedule Monday, 12.00-15.00, 3B-08/10, Ataköy Campus
Office Hour(s) Assistant Professor Serra İçellioğlu, office no: 3C-02
Teaching Methods and Techniques -Verbal presentation

Principle Sources --Neuropsychological assessment, Muriel D. Lezak, 4. Basım, Oxford Press.

- Bilnot- Yetişkin Nöropsikolojik Testlerin Yetişkinler için Araştırma ve Geliştirme Çalışmaları, Sirel Karakaş , Eğitim Kitabevi, İstanbul (2013).

-Öktem Sözel Bellek Süreçleri Testi (ÖKTEM-SBST), Öget Öktem-Tanör. 2011, Türk Psikologlar Derneği: Ankara.

Other Sources - Davranışsal ve Kognitif Nörolojinin Temel İlkeleri, Ed. Hakan Gürvit, Yelkovan Yayıncılık, İstanbul (2004). 

Course Schedules
Week Contents Learning Methods
1. Week Introduction to neuropsychology, developmental process and implementation scopes Verbal lecture
2. Week Implementation problems, choosing the right tests, interpretation of the results and interpretation criteria Verbal lecture
3. Week occipital lobes, substructures and functions Verbal presentation
4. Week temporal lobes, substructures and functions Verbal presentation, implementation
5. Week parietal lobes, substructures and functions Verbal presentation, implementation
6. Week frontal lobes, substructures and functions Verbal presentation, implementation
8. Week Testing the learning and memory: California Verbal Learning Test, Verbal Memory Processes Test Verbal presentation, implementation
9. Week Testing Vigilance, Concentration and Attention: Digit Span Tests, Spatial Span Test, Corsi Block Tapping Test, Reversal Counting. Testing Perseveration: Verbal fluency (semantic and fonemic) counting in series Verbal presentation, implementation
10. Week Testing irrelevant response inhibition, category shifting: Stroop Test, Go-NoGo Test, Trail Making Test, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test Verbal presentation, implementation
11. Week Testing Planning, Sequencing: Clock Drawing Test, Porteus Mazes Test, Luria's Alternan Series Verbal presentation, implementation
12. Week Testing language: Boston Naming Test Reasoning: Similarities SubTest of WAIS, Raven's progressive matrices test Verbal presentation, implementation
13. Week Arithmetical Skills: WAIS Subtest Complex Visuo-Spatial Abilities: Line Orientation Test, Face Recognition Test Verbal presentation, implementation
14. Week Decision-making: Iowa Gambling Test Social Cognition: Faux Pas Test Verbal presentation, implementation
Evaluation tools Quantity Weight(%)
Midterm(s) 1 35
Homework / Term Projects / Presentations 1 0
Attendance 1 15
Final Exam 1 50

Program Outcomes
PO-1Ability to integrate both theorical and practical knowledge in different domains of psychology.
PO-2Apply major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings of psychology on both theory and implication.
PO-3Understanding the difference between science, art, philosophy and common sense paralel to evolution of human life and cognition.
PO-4Gain interdisciplinary perspectives about the evolution of human being and societies.
PO-5Design, run experiment research; collect, analyze and interpret research data; write research reports effectively.
PO-6Ability to Access and use of information effectively; browse interdisciplinary literature, use databases and other information sources properly.
PO-7Gain analytical and critical thinking and writing skills.
PO-8Use appropriately the technical language of science of psychology in oral and written communication and presentation skills.
PO-9High comprehension of at least a foreign language.
PO-10Improve attitudes, abilities and motivation that bring out self efficiacy, talent and creativity.
PO-11Develop skills and abilities for self critisicm and self growth.
PO-12Achieve personal implements for team working.
PO-13Increase sensitivity and awareness to reflect on communication and problem solving processes.
PO-14Ability to develop social sensitivity and consciousness to conduct social responsibility projects.
PO-15Develop leadership skills and management of human relations.
PO-16Professional ethical consciousness.
PO-17Interact effectively and work productively with others.
PO-18Apply technical knowledge of psychology to problem solving processes in professional work settings.
Learning Outcomes
LO-1Knowing the difference properties of different neuropsychological test batteries.
LO-2Knowing which test can bu used for assessing different cognitive functions.
LO-3Reporting the results of neuropsychological assessment.
LO-4Knowing methods of standardization and normative data studies.
LO-5Knowing the neuropsychological examination procedures.
Course Assessment Matrix:
Program Outcomes - Learning Outcomes Matrix
 PO 1PO 2PO 3PO 4PO 5PO 6PO 7PO 8PO 9PO 10PO 11PO 12PO 13PO 14PO 15PO 16PO 17PO 18
LO 1
LO 2
LO 3
LO 4
LO 5