Faculty of Arts and Design
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Main Page / Program Curriculum / CULTURAL STUDIES


Course CodeSemester Course Name LE/RC/LA Course Type Language of Instruction ECTS
Course Goals

The aim of the course is to teach the birth, rise and important contributions to the field of cultural studies as an important approach in communication studies. The course will make use of films, commercials, television programs, and news programs in order to do text analysis.

Prerequisite(s) .
Corequisite(s) .
Special Requisite(s) The minimum qualifications that are expected from the students who want to attend the course.(Examples: Foreign language level, attendance, known theoretical pre-qualifications, etc.)
Instructor(s) Assoc. Prof. Remziye Köse Özelçi
Course Assistant(s) Res. Asst. Emre Fırat
Schedule Thursday 15:00-16:45
Office Hour(s) .
Teaching Methods and Techniques

Lectures and analysis of media texts

Principle Sources
John Storey. “What is Popular Culture.” Cultural Theory and Popular Culture. New York: Routledge Yayınları. 6. Edisyon. 2014 (Türkçe çeviri dersin hocası tarafından sağlanacaktır).

Theodor Adorno. Kültür Endüstrisi Kültür Yönetimi, Ankara: İletişim Yayınları.

Serpil Kırel, “Eğlence Çalışmanın Uzantısıdır! Sinema ve Kültür Endüstrisi İlişkisi.” Kültürel Çalışmalar ve Sinema. İstanbul: İthaki Yayınları. 2018

Antonio Gramsci. “Popüler Kültür” Gramsci Kitabı - Seçme Yazılar 1916-1935. İstanbul: Dipnot Yayınları. 2012

Benedict Anderson. “Kültürel Kökenler” & “Ulusal Bilincin Kökenleri” Hayali Cemaatler: Milliyetçiliğin Kökenleri ve Yayılması. İstanbul: Metis Yayınları. 1995

Edward Said. “Şarkiyatçılığın Etkinlik alanları” Şarkiyatçılık. İstanbul: Metis Yayınları. 2013.


Serpil Kırel, “Temsil ve Ötekinin Algılanması: Doğu, Batı ve Sinema.” Kültürel Çalışmalar ve Sinema. İstanbul: İthaki Yayınları. 2018

Other Sources


Course Schedules
Week Contents Learning Methods
1. Week Introduction to the course Oral presentation
2. Week What is culture? Cultural Studies as a Discipline Oral presentation
3. Week Defining Culture: Adorno & Horkheimer Oral presentation
4. Week Culture and Ideology: Gramsci Oral presentation
5. Week Culture and Nation: Imagined Communities and National Culture (Benedict Anderson) Oral presentation
6. Week Representation and the Other: Stuart Hall Oral presentation
7. Week Film Screening Oral presentation
8. Week Midterm exam
9. Week The relationship between culture and representation: Roland Barthes Oral presentation
10. Week Postcolonialism Oral presentation
11. Week Colony and Representation in Cinema Oral presentation
12. Week Edward Said and the Concept of 'Orientalism': orientalism in artworks and the creation of the Orient Oral presentation
13. Week The Other and Orientalism in Cinema Oral presentation
14. Week Film screening and Overview Oral presentation
15. Week
16. Week
17. Week
Evaluation tools Quantity Weight(%)
Midterm(s) 1 30
Attendance 1 10
Final Exam 1 60

Program Outcomes
PO-1Communication, art and culture related concepts to be priorities, all kinds of definitions can berelated to different areas.
PO-2Interpret technological developments and related artistic and cultural perceptions
PO-3Will be able to understand contemporary / contemporary cinema and television practices.
PO-4Will be able to analyze the organic relationship between art, communication and society.
PO-5Will be able to produce works that will learn the creative process and bring creativity to the foreground
PO-6 It will be able to work creatively, flexibly and independently in a disciplined and self-created line.
PO-7Will be able to use the tools and equipment necessary for their profession in the right place and at the right time and will be able to implement their projects within the determined time.
PO-8Will be able to express his / her creative ideas using visual messages.
PO-9 They will be able to give original products in different interdisciplinary fields like animation, photography, cinema.
PO-10 He will have experience in film management, screenplay, cinematography and editing.
PO-11 Will be able to prepare visual effects for cinema and television using computer based applications.
PO-12 He will have experience in acting, mimicry, dramatic improvisation.
PO-13 Be open to innovations in the field of mass communication and adapt to innovations in the field.
PO-14 It will be able to produce projects with experienced experts in national and international areas.
PO-15 Competitions, exhibitions, festivals, seminars etc. in national and international areas. will participate in the events.
Learning Outcomes
LO-1The knowledge of the theoretical connections between cultural structure and cinema
LO-2The ability to analyze visual culture products from a socio-cultural and economic context
LO-3The ability to draw connections between current cultural theories
LO-4The ability to analyze films within the context of cultural studies theories
LO-5The ability to question and discuss the presence of ideology in daily life practices
Course Assessment Matrix:
Program Outcomes - Learning Outcomes Matrix
 PO 1PO 2PO 3PO 4PO 5PO 6PO 7PO 8PO 9PO 10PO 11PO 12PO 13PO 14PO 15