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Modern Physics For Everyone

Ders KoduYarıyıl Ders Adı T/U/L Türü Öğrenim Dili AKTS
PHU0008 Modern Physics For Everyone 2/0/0 SAD İngilizce 2
Dersin Amacı
To teach the main concepts of modern physics with no use of mathematics and to give an understanding on recent discoveries in physics.
Ön Koşullar N.A.
Eş Koşullar N.A.
Özel Koşullar yok
Öğretim Üyeleri Prof.Dr. Gülce Öğrüç Ildız
Asistanlar yok
Ders Gün,Saat ve Yeri Tuesday
Görüşme Saatleri ve Yeri Atakoy Campus Thursday 5th floor
Öğretim Yöntem ve Teknikleri

1)     Fundamental forces and particles

i)      The four fundamental forces 

ii)     The strong force

iii)   The electromagnetic force

iv)    Antiparticles

v)     Cern Experiment: The Higgs boson

vi)    The weak force

vii)  Gravity


2)     Electromagnetic Waves

3)     Light and concepts of quantum mechanics 

i)      Wave particle duality 

ii)     Double slit experiment 

iii)   Photoelectric effect 

iv)    e/m experiment 

v)     Franck hertz experiment 

vi)    Spectrum of a hydrogen atom 

vii)  Schrodinger’s cat

viii) Hesienberg’s uncertinity principle

ix)    Quantum physic and gravity at odds

4)     Einstein’s special theory of relativity

i)      Reference Frames

ii)     The speed of light in all reference frames

iii)   Time: Not same for everyone

iv)    Space: Relative

v)     Einstein’s equation E=mc2   


5)     A glimpse to future

i)      Large hadron collider

ii)     Gravitational waves

iii)   String theory

Temel Kaynaklar

Resources. The Universe Untangled: Modern Physics For Everyone

Course powerpoint slides


Diğer Kaynaklar -
Haftalık Ders Programı
Hafta Dersin İçeriği Öğretim Yöntem ve Teknikleri
1. Hafta Fundamental forces and particles: Atomic Particles The four fundamental forces : The strong force, The electromagnetic force, The weak force, Gravity multimedia
2. Hafta Electromagnetic Waves multimedia
3. Hafta Antiparticles, Cern Experiment: The Higgs boson multimedia
4. Hafta Light and concepts of quantum mechanics ;Wave particle duality multimedia
5. Hafta Double slit experiment multimedia
6. Hafta Photoelectric effect multimedia
7. Hafta e/m experiment multimedia
8. Hafta Franck hertz experiment multimedia
9. Hafta Spectrum of a hydrogen atom multimedia
10. Hafta Schrodinger’s cat Hesienberg’s uncertinity principle multimedia
11. Hafta Quantum physic and gravity at odds multimedia
12. Hafta Einstein’s special theory of relativity iv) Reference Frames v) The speed of light in all reference frames vi) Time: Not same for everyone vii) Space: Relative viii) Einstein’s equation E=mc2 multimedia
13. Hafta A glimpse to future Large hadron collider multimedia
14. Hafta Gravitational waves String theory multimedia
15. Hafta
16. Hafta
17. Hafta
Değerlendirme Ölçütleri
Ölçüt Tipleri Adet Yüzdesi(%)
experiments 5 50
Final 1 50